Girder and Stage
Girder: Specify the modeled girder to which the defined loads will be applied.
Stage: Choose Specify the stage at which the loads will be applied to apply the loadgirder.
Girder Line Load
Applied Flange [Left/Right/Both]: Since the girder is modeled as a beam element, selecting 'right,' 'left,' or 'both' will only change the total load that is applied to the beam elements. For example, if 'both' is selected, the entered load will be multiplied by two and will be applied to the girder. Selecting 'left' or 'right' will result in applying the entered load as it is, without changing it, but will introduce an additional moment based on the moment arm.Fx [kip/ft]The flange at which the defined loads will be applied throughout the girder can be specified using this parameter. This definition will be used for applying the defined load to the nodes.
Fx: Force in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
Fy: Force in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Fz (Gravity): Force in the vertical direction. A positive value indicates a load in the global -Z direction (gravity direction). For typical loads (such as wearing surface loads or stay-in-place formwork loads), the user should input positive values.
Mx: Moment in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
My: Moment in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Mz: Moment in the vertical direction.
Info |
The Directions of Forces See the figures provided below for further clarification on the directions of positive forces. |
Girder Point Load
In the case of applying point loads to a girder object, this section of the girder load can be used.
Reference Location [Start/End/Middle]: The reference location for the point load (start, end, or middle) can be specified using this parameter.
Offset from Reference Location: This parameter allows you to offset the point load from the reference location. A positive offset value will move the point load in the upstation direction, while a negative offset will move the point load in the downstation direction.
Fx: Force in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
Fy [kip/ft]: Force in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Fz [kip/ft](Gravity): Force in the vertical direction. A positive value indicates a load in the global -Z or direction (gravity direction). For usual typical loads (such as wearing surface loads - or stay-in-place formwork loads), the user should input positive values.
Mx [kip-ft/ft]: Moment in the longitudinal direction along the PGL.
My [kip-ft/ft]: Moment in the direction perpendicular to the PGL.
Mz [kip-ft/ft]: Moment in the vertical direction.