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Box Girder: Specify the box girder for which the tendons will be modeled.

Elevation Data: "Use the 'Edit...' option to specify the location of the tendons.

  • Reference Support Line: At least two reference points must be defined for a tendon to be generated. Specify the support lines between which the tendons will be generated.

  • Longitudinal Offset: Specify the longitudinal offset value from the support line along the PGL.

  • Elevation Offset: This parameter specifies the distance from either the top or bottom of the box girder. The reference edge can be set using the 'Offset From' parameter.

  • Offset From [Top/Bottom]:The reference edge can be specified using this parameter.

Web No (from left): When looking up station along the PGL, Web No :1 is designated as the outermost left web.

Web Alignment[Left/Right]: By using the data defined in the Detailing Tab of the Concrete Box Girder object (Clear Cover), tendons can be generated based on the 'Left' or 'Right' definitions of this parameter.

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Duct Outer Diameter [ft]:: The specified duct outer diameter will be visible in the 3D model of the tendon.


Prestressing Type[Pre-tension/Post-tension]: Specify the prestressing type of the tendon. If the ‘Post-tension' option is chosen, the 'Post-tension Type' parameter can be defined with the options 'Bonded' or 'Unbonded’.

Exposure[Internal/External]: Set the type of exposure of tendon, Internal or External.

Post-tension Type[Bonded/Unbonded]: Specify the post-tension type, Bonded or Unbonded.


Strand Area [in2]:

# of Strands: Enter the number of strands for the tendon.

Material: Set a material for the strands. The material can either be imported or assigned from the previously defined materials in the Properties section.

Anchor Set Length [in]:: Anchor set length is user defined parameter.

Wobble Friction Coeffcient [1/ft]:: Enter the wobble friction coefficient.

Curvature Friction Coeffcient [1/rad]:: Enter the curvature friction coefficient.


Jacking Method[Start/End/Start then End/ End then Start]: Specify the jacking method that is applied to the tendon. In the case of Girder, start and end refer to downstation and upstation directions with respect to PGL.

Jacking Force From Start [kip]:: Enter the start jacking force that is applied to the tendon. It must be specified, unless Jacking Method is selected End.

Jacking Force From End [kip]:: End jacking force that is applied to the tendon. It must be specified, unless Jacking Method is selected Start.