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Code Block
<O N="FEMeshObject2" T="Project" Category="FEM Objects" TransAlignRule="Right">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 08.02.2023 -->
    <O N="FEM1" T="FEMeshSurface" CX="240" CY="240" ConstraintLines="[[[-1,0],[241,240]]]" Material="@NULL|Material" Surface="@NULL|Surface" CoorSys="@NULL|CoorSys" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" IsConstraint="1">
        <O T="Surface">
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="240" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="240" />
    <O N="FEM2" T="FEMeshSurface" CX="120" CY="24" ConstraintLines="[[[310,-1],[530,241]]]" Material="@NULL|Material" Surface="@NULL|Surface" CoorSys="@NULL|CoorSys" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" IsConstraint="1">
        <O T="Surface" X="300">
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="240" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="240" />
    <O N="FEM3" T="FEMeshSurface" CX="240" CY="240" ConstraintLines="[[[-1,300],[241,540]]]" Material="@NULL|Material" Surface="@NULL|Surface" CoorSys="@NULL|CoorSys" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" IsConstraint="1">
        <O T="Surface" Y="300">
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="240" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="240" />
    <O N="FEM4" T="FEMeshSurface" CX="24" CY="120" ConstraintLines="[[[299,310],[541,530]]]" Material="@NULL|Material" Surface="@NULL|Surface" CoorSys="@NULL|CoorSys" Group="@NULL|FEGroup" IsConstraint="1">
        <O T="Surface" X="300" Y="300">
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="0" />
            <O T="Point" X="240" Y="240" />
            <O T="Point" X="0" Y="240" />

The points marked as FEM 1 are "[[-1.0],[241,240]]".

The points marked as FEM 2 are "[[310,-1],[530,241]]".

The points marked as FEM 3 are "[[-1,300],[241,540]]".

The points marked as FEM 4 are "[[299,310],[541,530]]".

When you define these points or create a new point, the FEMeshSurface creates a mesh on the x-x, y-y, z-z, x-y, x-z, y-z planes within the defined "FEMeshSurface". The mesh then continues in the defined direction across the surfaces.

It's important to note that the plane on which you want to create the mesh must be specified.
For example, if we have defined a plane in the x-y plane, and you want to create a mesh on the x-x and y-y plane, the points you define must be outside the surface, as seen in the FEM 1 example where the points are "[[-1.0],[241,240]]". The mesh is created between these defined points, with the "x" coordinate defined outside the FEM1 surface, enabling the creation of the FEMeshSurface.

To view this example in the library, see (

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