Versions Compared


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Follow the next steps to specify the load cases (classes) combined with the load factors.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States one last time and select Load Cases 1.


Image Removed


Click on three-dots icon under DC1 column of StrengthI limit state and click Select.



Select DC1 (Remember, its content was composed of the corresponding construction stages in Combinations/Result Extraction Cases step).



In same way, keep selecting the load cases for the corresponding limit states.



Load cases not included in this example should remain as NULL.


Serviceability limit states (Strength, Service, and Fatigue) and load combinations are completed.


Follow the next steps to include a unique load combination for the constructability limit state.


Under Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Limit States, add a row named StrIConst.



Select DC1 and keep the rest of the load cases as NULL.


Enter γmax as 1.4.


Go to Combinations/Design Load Combinations/Load Combination Table one last time.



Add a row named SuperStrConstLCT.


Select StrengthI column as StrIConst, and keep the rest of the limit states as NULL.


Analysis loads & combinations of the code checks are completed.


Go to Limit States under Design Load Combinations on the tree view.


Copy Load Modifiers, Load Cases 1, Load Cases 2, and Load Cases 3 from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.


Limit States


Load Modifiers

Code Block
StrengthI	1	1	1
StrengthIII	1	1	1
StrengthV	1	1	1
ServiceI	1	1	1
ServiceII	1	1	1
FatigueI	1	1	1
FatigueII	1	1	1
StrengthII	1	1	1
StrengthIV	1	1	1
ServiceIII	1	1	1
ServiceIV	1	1	1
StrIConst	1	1	1


Load Cases 1

Code Block
StrengthI	DC1	1.25	0.9	DC2	1.25	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	1.75	1.75	BR	1.75	1.75	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.75	1.75	NULL	1	1
StrengthIII	DC1	1.25	0.9	DC2	1.25	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	0	0	BR	0	0	WS	1	1	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	0	0	NULL	1	1
StrengthV	DC1	1.25	0.9	DC2	1.25	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	1.35	1.35	BR	1.35	1.35	WS	1	1	NULL	1	1	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.35	1.35	NULL	1	1
ServiceI	DC1	1	1	DC2	1	1	DW	1	1	LL	1	1	BR	1	1	WS	1	1	NULL	1	1	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1	1	NULL	1	1
ServiceII	DC1	1	1	DC2	1	1	DW	1	1	LL	1.3	1.3	BR	1.3	1.3	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.3	1.3	NULL	1	1
FatigueI	DC1	0	0	DC2	0	0	DW	0	0	LLFat	1.75	1.75	BR	1.75	1.75	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	0	0	CENT	1.75	1.75	NULL	1	1
FatigueII	DC1	0	0	DC2	0	0	DW	0	0	LLFat	0.8	0.8	BR	0.8	0.8	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	0	0	CENT	0.8	0.8	NULL	1	1
StrengthII	DC1	1.25	0.9	DC2	1.25	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	1.35	1.35	BR	1.35	1.35	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1.35	1.35	NULL	1	1
StrengthIV	DC1	1.5	0.9	DC2	1.5	0.9	DW	1.5	0.65	LL	0	0	BR	0	0	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	0	0	NULL	1	1
ServiceIII	DC1	1	1	DC2	1	1	DW	1	1	LL	1	1	BR	1	1	WS	0	0	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	1	1	NULL	1	1
ServiceIV	DC1	1	1	DC2	1	1	DW	1	1	LL	0	0	BR	0	0	WS	1	1	NULL	0	0	TU	1.2	0.5	CENT	0	0	NULL	1	1
StrIConst	DC1	1.4	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1


Load Cases 2

Code Block
StrengthI	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.75	1.75	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.75	1.75
StrengthIII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0
StrengthV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.35	1.35	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.35	1.35
ServiceI	NULL	1.2	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1
ServiceII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.3	1.3	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.3	1.3
FatigueI	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.75	1.75	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.75	1.75
FatigueII	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0.8	0.8	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0.8	0.8
StrengthII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1.35	1.35	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1.35	1.35
StrengthIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0
ServiceIII	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0.5	0.5	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1
ServiceIV	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0	NULL	0	0
StrIConst	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1	NULL	1	1

Load Cases 3



After clicking on ‘Combinations> Design Load Combinations> Limit States' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Limit State. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter.

titleLimit States
Limit States [SIG]


🖱️ Click the three-dots on the first cell of the Name and click Import OBPAASHTOLimitState.

Image Added

🖱️ Import following limit states from OpenBrIM Library

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Strength Limit States > StrengthI

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Strength Limit States > StrengthII

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Strength Limit States > StrengthIII

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Strength Limit States > StrengthIV

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Strength Limit States > StrengthV

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Service Limit States > ServiceI

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Service Limit States > ServiceII

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Service Limit States > ServiceIII

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Service Limit States > ServiceIV

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Fatigue Limit States > FatigueI

  • OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AASHTO 9th Edition Limit States > Fatigue Limit States > FatigueII

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🖱️ Keep the ηD, ηR and ηI as default.

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🖱️ Click on the related cells of DC1 and select a Result Extraction Cases as DC1.

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🖱️ DC2, DW, LL, BR, WS, WL, TU and CE parameters can be defined similarly to DC1.

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🖱️ Keep the CL as default.

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🖱️ Keep the Load Cases 2 and Load Cases 3 parameters as default.

Image AddedImage Added

Proceed to the next step to verify the model.



The completed limit states are illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips.



To view the entire procedure explained on this page, please watch the recorded Video below.
