Project revisions are stored on the cloud - no matter how many different accounts have a footprint.
1 | Click Revisions from the Projects Top Bar to view the list of the revisions by date in a tree view | Image Modified |
2 | Click Share icon to copy the shareable link of a revision |
Image Removed Image Added |
3 | Click the Revision icon to |
receive access the modification history information, including the date, time, account, and |
the change itself
Image Removedrecord of the changes. | Image Added |
4 | |
may can also view the work log |
that consist , which consists of a title or a |
short brief explanation in the revision details, if it was entered from the work log window located in the bottom left corner of the Graphics Window. Image Modified Image Modified Image Modified |
5 | Click Revert icon to revert back the old revision. |
Image Removed Anchor |
| createprojectfromsnapshot |
| createprojectfromsnapshot |
| Image Added |
6 | Image Added |
expandtitle Image Added |
Quick Tip | In that case, old revision data will be copied as a new revision which allows the revision history to remain the same.8 | To duplicate a project from a snapshot, use the 'Copy Project' icon. | Image Added Image Added |