Şekil-1’deki Design Strip butonuna tıklanarak Şekil-2’deki gibi direction1 çizilir ve otomatik olarak direction1’e dik olan direction2 oluşur. Bu yönler default olarak Şekil-3’deki gibi layer’lere atanır ancak kullanıcı isterse değiştirebilir.
Şekil-3’deki parametre ve değerler kullanıcı tarafından değiştirilebilir.
Şekil-1’de Spreadsheet data butonuna tıklanarak Shearwall Corner Zone seçildiğinde;
Şekil-4’deki Generate Corner Zone butonuna tıklanarak perde duvar köşelerinde stressline üretilmesi için BDS tarafından noktalar oluşturulur. Bu noktalar Draw Corner Zone butonuna tıklandığında kullanıcı tarafından da oluşturulabilir.
Corner zone oluşturulduktan sonra Run Stress Line Generation butonuna tıklandığında BDS tarafından stressline’ler üretilir.
Şekil-1’de Spreadsheet data butonuna tıklanarak Stress Lines seçildiğinde;
Şekil-5’de görüldüğü gibi Run Stress Line Generation butonuna basılarak Stressline’ler üretilebilir. Bu buton Shearwall Coner Zone spreadsheet’indeki ile aynı işleve sahiptir. Kullanıcı BDS tarafından üretilenlerin yanı sıra Draw Stress Line butonunu kullanarak yeni stressline’ler ekleyebilirSlab reinforcement design of the 1st floor will be performed in this section.
General setting are found in this spreadsheet for slab design
Figure 1
User can edit the slab and column intensity factor and column reinforcement coun rectangle factor as shown in Figure 1.
Corner Zones
There must be column or shear wall at both ends of the stress lines to ensure the boundary conditions at ends.
There must be corner zones on shear walls where the stress lines will be generated.
Figure 2
→ Click Generate Corner Zones button as in Figure 2 to generate zones in shear walls for generation of stresslines .
→ Click Draw Corner Zone button as shown in Figure 2 to draw the zones manually for stressline generation.
User can delete the corner zones in two ways;
→ Right click the corner zone in the spreadsheet and click delete selected row
→ Select in the AutoCAD and hit delete
Stress Lines
Stress lines are the paths that indicate trajectory of internal forces, therefore these lines are idealized paths of material continuity.
Figure 3
→ Click Run Stress Line Generation button to automatically generate the stresslines as demonstrated in Figure 3.
→ Click Draw Stress Line as demonstrated in Figure 3 to draw stress lines between columns and/or shearwall corner zones manually.
→ Click Show Design Strip Results and select a direction to overlay the CSI SAFE design strip results as illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4
→ Click Refine Stress Line and select a direction.
Then AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite will suggest to user the stresslines which can be deleted as demonstrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5
User can select more stress lines in addition to selected ones.
→ Hit delete to delete selected stress lines then update the project.
→ Hold shift and click on the stress line to unselect.