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Click FEM View Settings to select the size of the FE objects and the support/local axis size by moving the slide bar

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Drag the slide bar to display the percentag

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titleQuick Tip

The model view is updated after you drag and drop the slide bar. You may close the window whenever you are comfortable with the view.

Use dropdown menus to access and view components of the FEA view, including the FEA model, loads, and analysis results, such as deformations and moment diagrams.

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Choose the construction stage of interest from the respective drop-down menu, and then opt for 'Constructed Only' to view the active FEA model for that particular stage.

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Loading mode enables you to visualize the loads for the active construction stage.

Adjust the visualization of the loading by using the scale to set the desired scaling.

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Deformed mode enables you to visualize the structural deformation according to the active analysis results, which can represent result cases, construction stages, result combinations or envelopes.

Adjust the visualization of the deformed shape by using the scale to set the desired scaling.

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In the drop-down menu labeled 'Composite Forces,' you can visualize FEComposite results based on the active analysis results, which may include result cases, construction stages, result combinations or envelopes. FEComposite combines the analysis results from multiple elements at their centroids.

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Use the "Units" button to modify the units for deformations, forces, or stress in the graphic view.

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FEA View Settings


Access "FEM View Settings" to shrink the size of the finite elements between nodes for improved node visibility and to adjust the dimensions of supports, one node springs, or local axes.

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Slide the bar to reveal the percentage change and concentrate on the reduction of shell size between the first and second screenshots.

The model view is refreshed when you drag and release the slide bar. Feel free to close the window once you are satisfied with the view.

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Click Show/Hide Objects to display or hide the listed finite element objects.

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The model view is

updated after you click Apply

refreshed upon clicking the "Apply" button, and the window

is closed automatically. You may select or unselect more than one object at the same time.7

will close automatically.

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Click Display Local Axis or Hide Local Axis

View the last screenshot to understand how to interpret the drawing of local axes.

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Click Display Section View or Hide Section View

When the section view is enabled, feline sections and plate thickness will be shown.

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Click Display Supports or Hide Supports

To toggle the visibility of supports and single-node springs, use this option.

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titleQuick Tip: Support Displacement Coordinate Systems

How to visually interpret support rotations and identify cases where a node is utilizing a different coordinate system?

In Bridge workflows, every node typically uses the alignment coordinate system. However, for supports, a new coordinate system is introduced, and users can adjust these coordinate systems to introduce bearing rotation. Please refer to the screenshot below to observe how this impacts the FEA view.

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Display Weight Only Construction Loads


Drop-down lists

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By default, weight-only construction loads, such as deck pouring, are not calculated for the FEA view. They are computed during the analysis process. To view and verify these weight-only construction loads, you can enable this option, but please note that it may slightly increase compilation time.

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Utilize the "Show/Hide 3D" option to conceal the ghosted view of the 3D model when the FEM mode is active.

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