For the girder model to be generated correctly, a minimum of two rows of definitions must be made using the parameters listed below. Although a constant girder section can be used, defining two rows is crucial due to the requirement of assigning a section to the start and end stations of the girder (through support lines).
Reference Support Line: Select a previously defined support line to specify the start/end location for a section.
Longitudinal Distance Along Girder Line Layout: For varying sections, this parameter can be used to define the section as constant up to a certain point, after which a variation can be introduced.
Section: This parameter assigns the section to a girder, starting from the location specified by the Reference Support Line and continuing to the next row's station definition.
Variation (from the previous point) [None/Linear/Parabolic/Circular]: The variation between different sections can be defined using one of the provided options.
Radius (for Circular Variation): In the case of circular variation, this parameter defines the radius of the variation. For other types of variation (e.g., Linear, Parabolic), this parameter will be N/A.