Safe & Aecbolt Base Reaction
Aecbolt - Safe Column Base Reaction
→ Base Reaction Manuel Calculation
Insertion Point
Bridge Parameters
Code Block |
IP1 Abut1 0 -16.5
IP2 Abut1 0 -5.5
IP3 Abut1 0 5.5
IP4 Abut1 0 16.5
IP5 Pier2 0 -16.5
IP6 Pier2 0 -5.5
IP7 Pier2 0 5.5
IP8 Pier2 0 16.5
IP9 Pier3 0 -16.5
IP10 Pier3 0 -5.5
IP11 Pier3 0 5.5
IP12 Pier3 0 16.5
IP13 Abut4 0 -16.5
IP14 Abut4 0 -5.5
IP15 Abut4 0 5.5
IP16 Abut4 0 16.5 |
Code Block |
Slab rigid materials arranged to Rigid zone-conc 8000psi
All Structure
Name Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR
Aecbolt 1234.180 361.6102 200.3498 83.5929
Safe 1206.757 360.197 200.483 83.026
Diffe. (Kips) 27.423 1.4132 0.1332 0.5669
Dif % 2.22 0.39 0.07 0.68
Code Block |
Top Elevation 144 inch Project Name: Rockwell Slab Example 1 Wall Take Plus SAFE ALL NODAL REACTION Tributary Column Column Tributary Area AECBOLT SHEARWALL NODAL REACTION SAFE SHEARWALL NODAL REACTION
Slab thicknes 12 inch Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Shearwall & Column button checked Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR Area sq ft Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR
Column height 132 inch Wall Takes Out-of-Plane Moment button unchecked and Slab Rigid Materials arranged 38.517 33.207 9.316 -0.304 -39.7 -30.92 -9.46 0 C2 215.15 -3.6958 -3.8908 -1.3725 -0.0484 1 0.786 0.024 0.108 -0.002679
39.567 32.754 9.436 -0.412 -40.58 -30.58 -9.46 0 C4 215.53 9.2098 3.2941 1.8741 -0.0395 2 2.186 0.67 0.405 0.004273
Slab rigid materials arranged to Conc-8000psi 37.171 31.41 8.94 -0.66 -39.03 -30.23 -9.04 0 C6 205.21 7.1524 2.0479 1.3443 -0.0322 3 0.987 0.346 0.181 0.007423
All Structure Safe Nodal Reaction 40.321 33.45 9.934 -0.881 -42.12 -30.91 -9.91 0 C8 225.81 5.909 1.4309 1.0543 -0.0247 4 1.754 0.001021 0.219 0.057
Name Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR 40.393 33.208 9.736 -0.413 -41.87 -31.62 -9.87 0 C9 224.11 5.3357 1.0551 0.8945 -0.0207 5 2.659 0.444 0.461 0.267
Aecbolt 1206.76 360.20 200.48 83.02 40.588 33.851 9.763 -0.28 -40.87 -31 -9.58 0 C10 217.48 4.7812 0.7291 0.747 -0.0173 6 5.542 0.374 0.721 0.798
Safe 44.96 4.858 8.675 3.164 -49.05 -5.55 -10.02 -2.72 C11 277.63 4.7199 0.546 0.6918 -0.0159 7 4.783 0.021 0.379 1.006
Diffe. (Kips) 0 0 0 0 67.288 6.235 13.5 5.626 -56.75 -6.52 -11.59 -3.64 C12 326.1 4.724 0.3699 0.6462 -0.0151 8 3.303 0.233 0.356 0.622
Dif % #SAYI/0! #SAYI/0! #SAYI/0! #SAYI/0! 69.673 7.129 13.97 6.103 -57.38 -6.61 -11.33 -4.71 C13 330.27 4.9947 0.2722 0.6517 -0.015 9 3.955 0.124 0.534 0.357
48.674 4.851 9.111 4.557 -51.4 -5.87 -9.5 -5.58 C14 293.3 5.0333 0.2124 0.6419 -0.0143 10 5.167 0.161 0.565 0.679
Slab rigid materials arranged to Rigid zone-conc 8000psi SAFE-SAFE DIF 27.208 25.801 6.523 -0.02 -29.58 -25.85 -7.19 0 C32 158.7 5.5827 0.2629 0.7241 -0.0142 11 4.384 0.528 0.352 0.993
All Structure Safe 1243.638 363.353 200.652 83.014 22.656 16.032 4.523 -0.082 -23.79 -16.28 -4.67 0 C33 114.6 6.822 0.4836 0.9418 -0.0142 12 2.988 0.02 0.239 0.465
Name Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR Safe 1206.757 360.197 200.483 83.026 28.585 24.114 6.407 -0.043 -30.16 -24.98 -6.85 0 C34 151.68 6.2411 0.7056 0.9458 -0.0088 13 3.592 1.059 0.664 0.004573
Aecbolt 1234.180 361.6102 200.3498 83.5929 Dif (kips) 36.881 3.156 0.169 -0.012 23.59 17.733 5.017 -0.029 -24.72 -17.76 -5.18 0 C35 126.28 5.455 0.8375 0.8952 -0.0041 14 3.732 1.019 0.677 0.002296
Safe 1206.757 360.197 200.483 83.026 0.786 0.024 0.108 -0.002679 567 294.68 123.65 16.65 Total 3081.85 7.0162 1.3603 1.2388 -0.0009 15 3.675 0.922 0.649 0.0007413
Diffe. (Kips) 27.423 1.4132 0.1332 0.5669 2.186 0.67 0.405 0.004273 9.7283 2.3633 1.854 0.0058 16 3.153 0.717 0.539 -0.0003201
Dif % 2.22 0.39 0.07 0.68 Rigid zone Area Height Unit kips 0.987 0.346 0.181 0.007423 Kolon Rigid Area 9.2329 2.6834 1.9 0.0073 17 3.306 0.672 0.545 -0.001066
Area" 23.911 1 150 3.587 1.754 0.001021 0.219 0.057 Name in in sq ft -4.7422 -2.5644 -1.3966 0.0118 18 3.414 0.605 0.539 -0.001753
SDL manuel Calculation 23.913 1 150 3.587 2.659 0.444 0.461 0.267 C 2 36 18 4.50 -1.7991 -1.8682 -0.9127 0.3546 19 3.215 0.479 0.483 -0.002171
Load Name Load Type SDL Area-Length Fx (kips) 73.763 1 150 11.064 5.542 0.374 0.721 0.798 C 4 36 20 5.00 8.6828 2.7405 1.7426 -0.03 20 3.034 0.369 0.432 -0.002466
LG 1 Area 20 990.82 19.816 72.177 1 150 10.827 4.783 0.021 0.379 1.006 C 6 36 20 5.00 7.102 1.8645 1.3106 0.0651 21 2.879 0.276 0.389 -0.002696
LG 3 Area 20 1901.81 38.036 Total 29.065 3.303 0.233 0.356 0.622 C 8 36 20 5.00 6.0082 1.3266 1.0434 0.1017 22 2.678 0.197 0.344 -0.002825
LG 5 Area 20 2381.06 47.621 3.955 0.124 0.534 0.357 C 9 36 20 5.00 5.5532 1.0085 0.9003 0.136 23 2.514 0.141 0.31 -0.002944
LG 13 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644 Aecbolt- Safe Shearwall Nodal Reaction Comparison 5.167 0.161 0.565 0.679 C 10 36 20 5.00 5.091 0.7318 0.7656 0.1632 24 2.458 0.107 0.294 -0.003177
LG 14 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644 Name Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR 4.384 0.528 0.352 0.993 C 11 17 38 4.49 5.1134 0.5764 0.7182 0.1968 25 2.429 0.089 0.286 -0.003459
LG 15 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644 Aecbolt 678.372 55.516 78.636 67.962 2.988 0.02 0.239 0.465 C 12 18 38 4.75 5.2048 0.4356 0.6811 0.2319 26 2.427 0.087 0.285 -0.003805
LG 16 Line 0.6 19.39 11.631 Safe 637.570 55.565 75.628 66.695 3.592 1.059 0.664 0.004573 C 13 38 18 4.75 5.5502 0.3592 0.6905 0.2694 27 2.454 0.099 0.291 -0.004222
LG 17 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844 Dif (kips) 40.802 -0.049 3.007 1.267 3.732 1.019 0.677 0.002296 C 14 17 38 4.49 5.6014 0.3184 0.6792 0.2804 28 1.953 0.091 0.236 -0.00364
LG 18 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844 Dif % 6.01 -0.09 3.82 1.86 3.675 0.922 0.649 0.0007413 C 32 36 14 3.50 6.1595 0.3782 0.755 0.2999 29 2.058 0.127 0.257 -0.004114
LG 19 Line 0.6 19.68 11.806 3.153 0.717 0.539 -0.0003201 C 33 36 16 4.00 7.3841 0.6287 0.9602 0.3187 30 2.745 0.207 0.353 -0.005919
LG 20 Line 0.6 19.71 11.825 Shearwall Rigid Zone- Self Weight Head Loss 3.306 0.672 0.545 -0.001066 C 34 35.94 18 4.49 6.5728 0.8525 0.9431 0.2201 31 2.874 0.274 0.387 -0.0067
LG 21 Area 35 42.92 1.502 Rigid Area height Unit kips 3.414 0.605 0.539 -0.001753 C 35 36 14 3.50 5.6069 0.9727 0.8788 0.1358 32 3.024 0.351 0.426 -0.007559
LG 22 Area 35 42.92 1.502 All SW 193.764 1 150 29.0646 3.215 0.479 0.483 -0.002171 Total Area 63.46 7.0492 1.5502 1.202 0.1066 33 3.188 0.434 0.468 -0.008473
LG 23 Area 35 42.92 1.502 3.034 0.369 0.432 -0.002466 9.5308 2.7128 1.7869 0.0357 34 3.356 0.515 0.511 -0.0094
LG 24 Area 35 42.86 1.500 Tributary Area 2.879 0.276 0.389 -0.002696 Area height Unit kips 8.8722 3.3508 1.8629 -0.0957 35 3.513 0.582 0.55 -0.01
LG 25 Area 35 44.90 1.572 SW 2540.821 1 150 357.895 2.678 0.197 0.344 -0.002825 63.46 1 150 9.520 -4.6824 -4.6507 -1.671 0.4001 36 3.361 0.57 0.535 -0.01
LG 26 Area 35 44.90 1.572 Openings 154.856 685.349 2.514 0.141 0.31 -0.002944 1.1659 0.6073 0.7988 -1.9187 37 3.154 0.514 0.503 -0.009887
LG 27 Area 35 44.66 1.563 Column 3081.85 2.458 0.107 0.294 -0.003177 SAFE SHEARWALL NODAL REACTION 8.2714 0.6027 0.7353 2.4488 38 3.017 0.414 0.47 -0.009752
LG 28 Area 35 44.80 1.568 Total 5467.815 2.429 0.089 0.286 -0.003459 Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR 9.7889 0.9696 1.1138 2.2337 39 2.137 0.189 0.316 -0.00712
LG 29 Line 0.6 124.52 74.713 2.427 0.087 0.285 -0.003805 637.57 55.57 75.63 66.69 9.026 0.9934 1.126 1.6796 40 2.943 0.23 0.409 0.055
LG 30 Line 0.6 124.06 74.438 Shearwall Rigid Zone- SDL Head Loss 2.454 0.099 0.291 -0.004222 9.4189 1.215 1.3396 1.3296 41 3.151 0.413 0.463 0.034
LG 9 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967 Load-SW Name SDL SW Area kips 1.953 0.091 0.236 -0.00364 SAFE COLUMN + SHEARWALL 10.1529 1.5554 1.6548 1.0299 42 3.186 0.477 0.473 0.029
LG 11 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967 LG 1 - (SW3+SW4) 20 145.940 2.919 2.058 0.127 0.257 -0.004114 1206.76 360.198 200.479 83.0209292 12.4027 2.2472 2.2779 0.8666 43 2.803 0.428 0.411 0.029
Topla 364.720 LG 3- SW 1 20 23.911 0.478 2.745 0.207 0.353 -0.005919 14.5227 3.1873 3.0935 0.332 44 3.012 0.439 0.43 0.041
LG 5 - SW 2 20 23.913 0.478 2.874 0.274 0.387 -0.0067 AECBOLT SHEARWALL NODAL REACTION -24.0605 -9.3545 -8.0394 2.6687 45 3.193 0.427 0.44 0.057
Self Weight Manuel Calculation Total 3.875 3.024 0.351 0.426 -0.007559 Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR 13.7989 2.9609 3.1303 0.1386 46 3.091 0.362 0.408 0.072
Area sq ft height ft Unit kips All Column 20 63.46 1.269 3.188 0.434 0.468 -0.008473 678.3721 55.5158 78.6355 67.9615 11.9147 2.2594 2.4836 0.3578 47 2.998 0.298 0.378 0.087
Slab Area 5624.473 1 150 Column include Facade 0.6 28.22916667 16.9375 3.356 0.515 0.511 -0.0094 8.294 1.3577 1.576 0.3648 48 2.92 0.242 0.352 0.101
O1 68.469 1 Total 22.082 3.513 0.582 0.55 -0.01 AECBOLT COLUMN + SHEARWALL 5.0583 0.6961 0.8601 0.259 49 2.781 0.192 0.323 0.11
O2 86.387 1 3.361 0.57 0.535 -0.01 1234.0831 361.488 200.3195 86.2565 7.3501 1.0249 1.2739 0.3359 50 2.666 0.157 0.301 0.116
Slab Remain 5469.617 1 150 820.443 SDL LG3 - Opening 20 154.856 3.097116222 3.154 0.514 0.503 -0.009887 8.2176 0.5595 0.8727 0.1545 51 2.65 0.141 0.295 0.121
All Column 63.465 11 150 104.717 LLwoR LG2- Opening 100 154.856 15.48558111 3.017 0.414 0.47 -0.009752 8.0348 0.4774 0.8802 0.591 52 2.653 0.139 0.295 0.125
SW 1 23.911 11 150 39.453 2.137 0.189 0.316 -0.00712 6.4232 0.4956 0.8551 0.9147 53 2.675 0.151 0.302 0.125
SW2 23.913 11 150 39.456 2.943 0.23 0.409 0.055 6.6234 0.4742 0.8332 0.9198 54 2.717 0.177 0.315 0.122
SW3 72.177 11 150 119.092 3.151 0.413 0.463 0.034 7.7608 0.5324 0.93 1.0549 55 2.168 0.166 0.259 0.092
SW4 73.763 11 150 121.709 3.186 0.477 0.473 0.029 6.8233 0.5111 0.8322 0.9705 56 2.274 0.204 0.282 0.089
LG 7 6.146 0.63 3.872 2.803 0.428 0.411 0.029 0.143 0.1444 -0.0014 6.2164 0.5587 0.8255 1.0377 57 3.025 0.329 0.392 0.106
LG 8 6.146 0.63 3.872 3.012 0.439 0.43 0.041 0.375 0.3661 0.0089 6.2874 0.4815 0.7488 0.8521 58 3.146 0.417 0.431 0.093
Total 1252.614 3.193 0.427 0.44 0.057 -1.034 1.0256 -2.0596 2.2293 -0.1697 0.0027 -0.4583 59 3.285 0.523 0.476 0.078
Shearwall Total 327.454 3.091 0.362 0.408 0.072 -1.039 1.0366 -2.0756 5.6107 0.4981 0.5986 1.0462 60 3.439 0.645 0.527 0.061
2.998 0.298 0.378 0.087 0.402 0.4 0.002 7.4957 0.3329 0.7787 0.4977 61 3.603 0.781 0.581 0.044
Column height 144 inch 2.92 0.242 0.352 0.101 0.047 0.0479 -0.0009 6.5745 0.4074 0.8651 0.643 62 3.769 0.928 0.636 0.028
Shearwall height 132 inch 2.781 0.192 0.323 0.11 3.59 -3.5847 7.1747 7.4966 0.4346 1.0258 0.7003 63 3.628 0.995 0.636 0.013
Column height Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR 2.666 0.157 0.301 0.116 5.133 -5.1357 10.2687 9.8879 0.4719 1.4228 0.7441 64 3.457 1.038 0.624 0.004425
Name Aecbolt Local (kips) Safe (kips) Dif % Aecbolt Local (kips) Safe (kips) Dif % Aecbolt Local (kips) Safe (kips) Dif % Aecbolt Local (kips) Safe (kips) Dif % 2.65 0.141 0.295 0.121 5.626 -5.6226 11.2486 8.718 0.3411 1.3844 0.4294 65 3.411 1.106 0.628 0.00361
C2 38.840 38.517 0.83 33.449 33.207 0.72 9.376 9.316 0.64 0.143 -0.304 312.5874126 2.653 0.139 0.295 0.125 4.665 -4.6564 9.3214 5.7343 0.1527 1.0463 0.0576 66 2.54 0.87 0.47 0.008735
C4 39.189 39.567 0.96 32.707 32.754 0.14 9.347 9.436 0.95 0.375 -0.412 209.8666667 2.675 0.151 0.302 0.125 0.013 -0.0129 0.0259 -8.0264 -0.9727 -3.9449 3.3278 67 4.967 0.396 0.724 0.52
C6 38.750 37.171 4.07 33.227 31.41 5.47 9.548 8.94 6.37 -1.034 -0.66 -36.17021277 2.717 0.177 0.315 0.122 0.182 0.1825 -0.0005 8.8671 0.2083 1.4418 0.3919 68 5.118 0.461 0.787 0.448
C8 41.574 40.321 3.01 34.658 33.45 3.49 10.383 9.934 4.32 -1.039 -0.881 -15.20692974 2.168 0.166 0.259 0.092 0.184 0.1864 -0.0024 8.4633 0.2183 1.0707 1.0176 69 5.853 0.567 0.901 0.539
C9 40.176 40.393 0.54 33.820 33.208 1.81 9.715 9.736 0.22 0.402 -0.413 202.7363184 2.274 0.204 0.282 0.089 0.008 -0.0086 0.0166 7.3662 0.2448 0.7429 1.3066 70 6.388 0.655 0.964 0.679
C10 40.773 40.588 0.45 34.485 33.851 1.84 9.762 9.763 0.01 0.047 -0.28 695.7446809 3.025 0.329 0.392 0.106 7.4755 0.3306 0.62 1.7305 71 6.401 0.688 0.932 0.811
C11 45.359 44.960 0.88 4.829 4.858 0.60 8.618 8.675 0.66 3.59 3.164 11.86629526 3.146 0.417 0.431 0.093 7.7473 0.4431 0.5401 2.2073 72 6.387 0.72 0.894 0.95
C12 61.758 67.288 8.95 5.616 6.235 11.02 12.221 13.5 10.47 5.133 5.626 9.604519774 3.285 0.523 0.476 0.078 9.066 0.6457 0.5655 3.0363 73 6.377 0.758 0.863 1.076
C13 63.978 69.673 8.90 6.158 7.129 15.77 12.64 13.97 10.52 5.626 6.103 8.478492712 3.439 0.645 0.527 0.061 5.6531 0.4944 0.2176 2.2143 74 6.419 0.815 0.859 1.164
C14 48.275 48.674 0.83 4.174 4.851 16.22 8.928 9.111 2.05 4.665 4.557 2.31511254 3.603 0.781 0.581 0.044 -2.3525 -0.6922 0.4387 -3.336 75 6.642 0.924 0.924 1.176
C32 25.792 27.208 5.49 24.848 25.801 3.84 6.095 6.523 7.02 0.013 -0.02 253.8461538 3.769 0.928 0.636 0.028 -1.1881 -0.0188 0.3515 -2.9164 76 5.739 0.886 0.885 0.837
C33 21.762 22.656 4.11 16.274 16.032 1.49 4.358 4.523 3.79 0.182 -0.082 145.0549451 3.628 0.995 0.636 0.013 5.2493 0.0701 0.1 1.6605 77 4.029 0.021 0.397 0.586
C34 26.706 28.585 7.04 24.190 24.114 0.31 5.885 6.407 8.87 0.184 -0.043 123.3695652 3.457 1.038 0.624 0.004425 12.1882 0.9125 1.1005 2.8661 78 4.424 0.055 0.503 0.444
C35 22.779 23.590 3.56 17.537 17.733 1.12 4.808 5.017 4.35 0.008 -0.029 462.5 3.411 1.106 0.628 0.00361 9.6269 0.838 1.0498 1.764 79 4.912 0.11 0.594 0.412
Total (kips) 555.711 569.191 2.43 305.972 304.633 0.44 121.684 124.851 2.60 18.295 16.326 10.76250342 2.54 0.87 0.47 0.008735 12.1254 1.3014 1.6244 1.7355 80 4.853 0.161 0.603 0.396
Total All load 4.967 0.396 0.724 0.52 16.8838 2.3071 2.983 1.2051 81 4.786 0.208 0.598 0.42
5.118 0.461 0.787 0.448 14.8545 2.5639 3.2137 0.2407 82 4.705 0.249 0.584 0.461
LL wR manuel Calculation 5.853 0.567 0.901 0.539 -28.2192 -8.3299 -8.9751 1.9319 83 4.613 0.282 0.564 0.506
Load Name Load Type LL wR Area-Length Fx (kips) 6.388 0.655 0.964 0.679 12.569 2.0756 2.7879 0.0159 84 4.514 0.307 0.541 0.546
LG 4 Area 40 1901.811 76.072 6.401 0.688 0.932 0.811 11.474 1.7045 2.3155 0.1661 85 4.41 0.322 0.517 0.578
LG 6 Area 40 2381.063 95.243 6.387 0.72 0.894 0.95 7.7765 0.9449 1.3565 0.2229 86 4.203 0.322 0.482 0.586
Clone LG 21 Area 60 42.922 2.575 6.377 0.758 0.863 1.076 4.701 0.4484 0.6986 0.1866 87 4.004 0.313 0.448 0.584
Clone LG 22 Area 60 42.921 2.575 6.419 0.815 0.859 1.164 6.9365 0.6864 1.0815 0.2285 88 3.917 0.307 0.427 0.589
Clone LG 23 Area 60 42.923 2.575 6.642 0.924 0.924 1.176 8.6744 0.5011 0.981 0.4735 89 3.84 0.297 0.409 0.588
Clone LG 24 Area 60 42.859 2.572 5.739 0.886 0.885 0.837 7.6374 0.2941 0.6719 0.5535 90 3.688 0.278 0.386 0.57
Clone LG 25 Area 60 44.902 2.694 4.029 0.021 0.397 0.586 5.4549 0.1912 0.4042 0.5031 91 3.557 0.259 0.368 0.549
Clone LG 26 Area 60 44.902 2.694 4.424 0.055 0.503 0.444 5.9499 0.2442 0.4163 0.6563 92 3.541 0.248 0.365 0.541
Clone LG 27 Area 60 44.662 2.680 4.912 0.11 0.594 0.412 7.4604 0.3741 0.4748 1.0711 93 3.552 0.24 0.37 0.531
Clone LG 28 Area 60 44.799 2.688 4.853 0.161 0.603 0.396 6.9925 0.4449 0.4284 1.2863 94 3.594 0.237 0.383 0.519
LG 10 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99 4.786 0.208 0.598 0.42 5.4404 0.3287 0.3713 0.7397 95 3.67 0.238 0.406 0.503
LG 12 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99 4.705 0.249 0.584 0.461 5.4254 0.3026 0.4315 0.3755 96 3.785 0.246 0.439 0.483
Total 200.358 4.613 0.282 0.564 0.506 3.6682 0.1652 0.3761 0.2473 97 3.939 0.261 0.482 0.457
4.514 0.307 0.541 0.546 4.3819 0.2649 0.2589 0.5 98 4.07 0.278 0.527 0.421
LL woR manuel Calculation 4.41 0.322 0.517 0.578 8.4915 0.5121 0.7123 1.1145 99 3.608 0.255 0.491 0.331
Load Name Load Type LL woR Area-Length Fx (kips) 4.203 0.322 0.482 0.586 6.6734 0.3851 0.655 0.7643 100 3.796 0.278 0.542 0.301
LG 2 Area 100 990.820 4.004 0.313 0.448 0.584 7.5057 0.4049 0.828 0.7327 101 3.958 0.299 0.585 0.279
Opening Area 154.856 3.917 0.307 0.427 0.589 10.2528 0.523 1.3856 0.7464 102 4.154 0.323 0.636 0.254
Remain Area 100 835.964 83.596 3.84 0.297 0.409 0.588 9.2151 0.4283 1.5211 0.3759 103 4.221 0.334 0.659 0.241
3.688 0.278 0.386 0.57 4.8361 0.1547 0.8553 0.0459 104 3.542 0.282 0.559 0.197
3.557 0.259 0.368 0.549 -9.7667 -0.1678 -4.5184 3.7603 105 4.948 0.389 0.773 0.315
3.541 0.248 0.365 0.541 8.732 0.2336 1.6356 0.0433 106 5.641 0.419 0.832 0.517
3.552 0.24 0.37 0.531 11.9985 0.3768 1.6184 1.3261 107 5.46 0.407 0.454 1.384
3.594 0.237 0.383 0.519 9.0588 0.3363 0.805 1.7474 108 5.136 0.366 0.356 1.448
3.67 0.238 0.406 0.503 7.9489 0.3566 0.4816 2.0578 109 5.049 0.32 0.345 1.378
3.785 0.246 0.439 0.483 11.0259 0.6302 0.4276 3.6693 110 4.986 0.268 0.363 1.244
3.939 0.261 0.482 0.457 5.4019 0.4096 -0.0759 2.268 111 4.932 0.213 0.392 1.083
4.07 0.278 0.527 0.421 -2.6646 -0.9723 0.1703 -3.5118 112 4.881 0.158 0.424 0.922
3.608 0.255 0.491 0.331 678.3721 55.5158 78.6355 67.9615 113 4.473 0.098 0.414 0.739
3.796 0.278 0.542 0.301 114 3.965 0.05 0.377 0.61
3.958 0.299 0.585 0.279 115 4.011 0.022 0.361 0.683
4.154 0.323 0.636 0.254 116 3.894 0.175 0.505 0.376
4.221 0.334 0.659 0.241 117 4.619 0.26 0.646 0.38
3.542 0.282 0.559 0.197 118 5.642 0.338 0.789 0.483
4.948 0.389 0.773 0.315 119 5.098 0.314 0.686 0.51
5.641 0.419 0.832 0.517 120 5.6 0.34 0.707 0.669
5.46 0.407 0.454 1.384 121 6.063 0.35 0.707 0.852
5.136 0.366 0.356 1.448 122 6.006 0.317 0.645 0.96
5.049 0.32 0.345 1.378 123 6.001 0.277 0.617 1.008
4.986 0.268 0.363 1.244 124 6.38 0.24 0.715 0.919
4.932 0.213 0.392 1.083 125 4.341 0.446 0.442 0.694
4.881 0.158 0.424 0.922 126 4.696 0.415 0.54 0.532
4.473 0.098 0.414 0.739 127 5.149 0.416 0.606 0.495
3.965 0.05 0.377 0.61 128 5.027 0.387 0.578 0.472
4.011 0.022 0.361 0.683 129 4.905 0.371 0.533 0.495
3.894 0.175 0.505 0.376 130 4.777 0.36 0.481 0.539
4.619 0.26 0.646 0.38 131 4.643 0.352 0.426 0.587
5.642 0.338 0.789 0.483 132 4.507 0.343 0.374 0.63
5.098 0.314 0.686 0.51 133 4.37 0.332 0.325 0.663
5.6 0.34 0.707 0.669 134 4.133 0.311 0.276 0.665
6.063 0.35 0.707 0.852 135 3.907 0.287 0.234 0.654
6.006 0.317 0.645 0.96 136 3.79 0.269 0.206 0.646
6.001 0.277 0.617 1.008 137 3.681 0.248 0.184 0.629
6.38 0.24 0.715 0.919 138 3.498 0.221 0.163 0.59
4.341 0.446 0.442 0.694 139 3.338 0.195 0.15 0.547
4.696 0.415 0.54 0.532 140 3.288 0.176 0.149 0.514
5.149 0.416 0.606 0.495 141 3.264 0.159 0.155 0.479
5.027 0.387 0.578 0.472 142 3.274 0.147 0.171 0.443
4.905 0.371 0.533 0.495 143 3.321 0.139 0.197 0.404
4.777 0.36 0.481 0.539 144 3.412 0.138 0.236 0.365
4.643 0.352 0.426 0.587 145 3.549 0.145 0.286 0.325
4.507 0.343 0.374 0.63 146 3.677 0.156 0.344 0.281
4.37 0.332 0.325 0.663 147 3.274 0.145 0.344 0.209
4.133 0.311 0.276 0.665 148 3.47 0.168 0.408 0.18
3.907 0.287 0.234 0.654 149 3.638 0.181 0.459 0.161
3.79 0.269 0.206 0.646 150 3.851 0.206 0.524 0.143
3.681 0.248 0.184 0.629 151 3.936 0.212 0.558 0.137
3.498 0.221 0.163 0.59 152 3.323 0.182 0.485 0.119
3.338 0.195 0.15 0.547 153 4.742 0.253 0.689 0.218
3.288 0.176 0.149 0.514 154 5.386 0.24 0.721 0.409
3.264 0.159 0.155 0.479 155 5.016 0.111 0.255 1.19
3.274 0.147 0.171 0.443 156 4.839 0.178 0.196 1.32
3.321 0.139 0.197 0.404 157 4.87 0.223 0.228 1.283
3.412 0.138 0.236 0.365 158 4.918 0.258 0.29 1.172
3.549 0.145 0.286 0.325 159 4.549 0.266 0.327 0.957
3.677 0.156 0.344 0.281 160 4.171 0.27 0.351 0.768
3.274 0.145 0.344 0.209 161 4.707 0.345 0.442 0.779
3.47 0.168 0.408 0.18 162 4.709 0.406 0.459 0.774
3.638 0.181 0.459 0.161 163 3.645 0.38 0.334 0.692
3.851 0.206 0.524 0.143 164
3.936 0.212 0.558 0.137 165
3.323 0.182 0.485 0.119 637.57 55.565021 75.628 66.6949292
4.742 0.253 0.689 0.218
5.386 0.24 0.721 0.409
5.016 0.111 0.255 1.19
4.839 0.178 0.196 1.32
4.87 0.223 0.228 1.283
4.918 0.258 0.29 1.172
4.549 0.266 0.327 0.957
4.171 0.27 0.351 0.768
4.707 0.345 0.442 0.779
4.709 0.406 0.459 0.774
3.645 0.38 0.334 0.692
1206.761 360.198021 200.479 83.0209292
→ Shearwall Node Reaction
→ All Node Reaction
Safe Slab Design Analysis Result - Aecbolt Slab Design Analysis Result Comparison
→ Top Reinforcements , Column Strip Reinforcements
→ Top Reinforcements , Middle Strip Reinforcements
→ Punching Shear , D/C Ratio
Manuel Calculation
Self Weight
Super DL
LL woR
Code Block |
Object Name Area sq ft height ft Unit kips
Slab 5624.473 1 150
O1 68.469 1
O2 86.387 1
Slab Remain 5469.617 1 150 820.443
All Column 63.465 11 150 104.717
SW 1 23.911 11 150 39.453
SW2 23.913 11 150 39.456
SW3 72.177 11 150 119.092
SW4 73.763 11 150 121.709
LG 7 6.146 0.63 3.872
LG 8 6.146 0.63 3.872
Total 1252.614
Code Block |
Load Name Load Type SDL Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 1 Area 20 990.82 19.816
LG 3 Area 20 1901.81 38.036
LG 5 Area 20 2381.06 47.621
LG 13 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 14 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 15 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 16 Line 0.6 19.39 11.631
LG 17 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844
LG 18 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844
LG 19 Line 0.6 19.68 11.806
LG 20 Line 0.6 19.71 11.825
LG 21 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 22 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 23 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 24 Area 35 42.86 1.500
LG 25 Area 35 44.90 1.572
LG 26 Area 35 44.90 1.572
LG 27 Area 35 44.66 1.563
LG 28 Area 35 44.80 1.568
LG 29 Line 0.6 124.52 74.713
LG 30 Line 0.6 124.06 74.438
LG 9 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967
LG 11 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967
Topla 364.720
Code Block |
Load Name Load Type LL wR Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 4 Area 40 1901.811 76.072
LG 6 Area 40 2381.063 95.243
Clone LG 21 Area 60 42.922 2.575
Clone LG 22 Area 60 42.921 2.575
Clone LG 23 Area 60 42.923 2.575
Clone LG 24 Area 60 42.859 2.572
Clone LG 25 Area 60 44.902 2.694
Clone LG 26 Area 60 44.902 2.694
Clone LG 27 Area 60 44.662 2.680
Clone LG 28 Area 60 44.799 2.688
LG 10 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99
LG 12 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99
Total 200.358
Code Block |
Load Name Load Type LL woR Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 2 Area 100 990.820
Opening Area 154.856
Remain Area 100 835.964 83.596
Safe - Aecbolt Analysis Result Comparsion
Project Name: Rockwell Slab Example Wall Take Plus
Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Shearwall & Column button → Checked
Wall Takes Out-of-Plane Moment button unchecked and Slab Rigid Materials arranged
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % |
C2 | 38.840 | 38.517 | 0.83 | 33.449 | 33.207 | 0.72 | 9.376 | 9.316 | 0.64 | -0.143 | -0.304 | -112.59 |
C4 | 39.189 | 39.567 | 0.96 | 32.707 | 32.754 | 0.14 | 9.347 | 9.436 | 0.95 | -0.375 | -0.412 | -9.87 |
C6 | 38.750 | 37.171 | 4.07 | 33.227 | 31.41 | 5.47 | 9.548 | 8.94 | 6.37 | -1.034 | -0.66 | -36.17 |
C8 | 41.574 | 40.321 | 3.01 | 34.658 | 33.45 | 3.49 | 10.383 | 9.934 | 4.32 | -1.039 | -0.881 | -15.21 |
C9 | 40.176 | 40.393 | 0.54 | 33.820 | 33.208 | 1.81 | 9.715 | 9.736 | 0.22 | -0.402 | -0.413 | -2.74 |
C10 | 40.773 | 40.588 | 0.45 | 34.485 | 33.851 | 1.84 | 9.762 | 9.763 | 0.01 | -0.047 | -0.28 | -495.74 |
C11 | 45.359 | 44.960 | 0.88 | 4.829 | 4.858 | 0.60 | 8.618 | 8.675 | 0.66 | 3.59 | 3.164 | 11.87 |
C12 | 61.758 | 67.288 | 8.95 | 5.616 | 6.235 | 11.02 | 12.221 | 13.5 | 10.47 | 5.133 | 5.626 | 9.60 |
C13 | 63.978 | 69.673 | 8.90 | 6.158 | 7.129 | 15.77 | 12.64 | 13.97 | 10.52 | 5.626 | 6.103 | 8.48 |
C14 | 48.275 | 48.674 | 0.83 | 4.174 | 4.851 | 16.22 | 8.928 | 9.111 | 2.05 | 4.665 | 4.557 | 2.32 |
C32 | 25.792 | 27.208 | 5.49 | 24.848 | 25.801 | 3.84 | 6.095 | 6.523 | 7.02 | 0.013 | -0.02 | 253.85 |
C33 | 21.762 | 22.656 | 4.11 | 16.274 | 16.032 | 1.49 | 4.358 | 4.523 | 3.79 | -0.182 | -0.082 | -54.95 |
C34 | 26.706 | 28.585 | 7.04 | 24.190 | 24.114 | 0.31 | 5.885 | 6.407 | 8.87 | -0.184 | -0.043 | -76.63 |
C35 | 22.779 | 23.590 | 3.56 | 17.537 | 17.733 | 1.12 | 4.808 | 5.017 | 4.35 | 0.008 | -0.029 | 462.50 |
Total (kips) | 555.71 | 569.19 | 2.43 | 305.97 | 304.63 | 0.44 | 121.68 | 124.85 | 2.60 | 15.63 | 16.33 | 4.46 |
Chart |
thumbnail | true |
borderColor | |
columns | Name, Aecbolt Local (kips), Safe (kips) |
rangeAxisTickUnit | 10 |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
title | Self Weight Comparison |
type | xyLine |
yLabel | Kips |
colors | Blue, Green |
bgColor | |
width | 400 |
xLabel | Column |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 70 |
height | 400 |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | C2 | 38.840 | 38.517 | C4 | 39.189 | 39.567 | C6 | 38.750 | 37.171 | C8 | 41.574 | 40.321 | C9 | 40.176 | 40.393 | C10 | 40.773 | 40.588 | C11 | 45.359 | 44.960 | C12 | 61.758 | 67.288 | C13 | 63.978 | 69.673 | C14 | 48.275 | 48.674 | C32 | 25.792 | 27.208 | C33 | 21.762 | 22.656 | C34 | 26.706 | 28.585 | C35 | 22.779 | 23.590 |
Chart |
thumbnail | true |
borderColor | |
columns | Name, Aecbolt Local (kips), Safe (kips) |
rangeAxisTickUnit | 5 |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
title | Super DL Comparison |
type | xyLine |
yLabel | Kips |
colors | Blue, Green |
bgColor | |
width | 400 |
xLabel | Column |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 40 |
height | 400 |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | C2 | 33.449 | 33.207 | C4 | 32.707 | 32.754 | C6 | 33.227 | 31.41 | C8 | 34.658 | 33.45 | C9 | 33.820 | 33.208 | C10 | 34.485 | 33.851 | C11 | 4.829 | 4.858 | C12 | 5.616 | 6.235 | C13 | 6.158 | 7.129 | C14 | 4.174 | 4.851 | C32 | 24.848 | 25.801 | C33 | 16.274 | 16.032 | C34 | 24.190 | 24.114 | C35 | 17.537 | 17.733 |
Chart |
thumbnail | true |
borderColor | |
columns | Name, Aecbolt Local (kips), Safe (kips) |
rangeAxisTickUnit | 2 |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
title | Self Weight Comparison |
type | xyLine |
yLabel | Kips |
colors | Blue, Green |
bgColor | |
width | 400 |
xLabel | Column |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 14 |
height | 400 |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | C2 | 9.376 | 9.316 | C4 | 9.347 | 9.436 | C6 | 9.548 | 8.94 | C8 | 10.383 | 9.934 | C9 | 9.715 | 9.736 | C10 | 9.762 | 9.763 | C11 | 8.618 | 8.675 | C12 | 12.221 | 13.5 | C13 | 12.64 | 13.97 | C14 | 8.928 | 9.111 | C32 | 6.095 | 6.523 | C33 | 4.358 | 4.523 | C34 | 5.885 | 6.407 | C35 | 4.808 | 5.017 |
Chart |
thumbnail | true |
borderColor | |
columns | Name, Aecbolt Local (kips), Safe (kips) |
rangeAxisTickUnit | 1 |
rangeAxisLowerBound | -2 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
title | Self Weight Comparison |
type | xyLine |
yLabel | Kips |
colors | Blue, Green |
bgColor | |
width | 400 |
xLabel | Column |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 6 |
height | 400 |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | C2 | -0.143 | -0.304 | C4 | -0.375 | -0.412 | C6 | -1.034 | -0.66 | C8 | -1.039 | -0.881 | C9 | -0.402 | -0.413 | C10 | -0.047 | -0.28 | C11 | 3.59 | 3.164 | C12 | 5.133 | 5.626 | C13 | 5.626 | 6.103 | C14 | 4.665 | 4.557 | C32 | 0.013 | -0.02 | C33 | -0.182 | -0.082 | C34 | -0.184 | -0.043 | C35 | 0.008 | -0.029 |
Aecbolt - Safe ShearWall Base Reaction Comparison
| Self Weight | Super DL | LL wR | LL woR |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % |
All Shearwall Nodes | 678.37 | 637.57 | 6.01 | 55.52 | 55.57 | 0.09 | 78.64 | 75.63 | 3.82 | 67.96 | 66.69 | 1.86 |
Chart |
borderColor | |
columns | Name, Aecbolt, Safe |
rangeAxisTickUnit | 50 |
rangeAxisLowerBound | 0 |
dataOrientation | vertical |
title | Aecbolt - Safe Shearwall Nodes Base Reaction Comparison |
type | bar |
yLabel | Kips |
colors | Blue, Green, Red, Yellow |
bgColor | |
width | 400 |
xLabel | Name |
rangeAxisUpperBound | 600 |
height | 400 |
Name | Aecbolt | Safe | Self Weight | 678.37 | 637.57 | Super DL | 55.52 | 55.57 | LL wR | 78.64 | 75.63 | LL woR | 67.96 | 66.69 |
Aecbolt - Safe All Nodes Base Reaction Comparison
| Self Weight | Super DL | LL wR | LL woR |
Name | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % | Aecbolt Local (kips) | Safe (kips) | Dif % |
Total (kips) | 555.71 | 569.19 | 2.43 | 305.97 | 304.63 | 0.44 | 121.68 | 124.85 | 2.60 | 15.63 | 16.33 | 4.46 |
All Shearwall Nodes | 678.37 | 637.57 | 6.01 | 55.52 | 55.57 | 0.09 | 78.64 | 75.63 | 3.82 | 67.96 | 66.69 | 1.86 |
Total | 1234.08 | 1206.76 | 2.21 | 361.49 | 360.20 | 0.36 | 200.32 | 200.48 | 0.08 | 83.59 | 83.02 | 0.68 |
Base Reaction Manuel Calculation
1 | Self Weight Manuel Calculation |
2 | Object Name | Area sq ft | Height ft | Unit | Kips |
3 | Slab | 5624.473 | 1 | 150 | |
4 | O1 | -68.469 | 1 | | |
5 | O2 | -86.387 | 1 | | |
6 | Slab Remain | 5469.617 | 1 | 150 | 820.443 |
7 | All Column | 63.465 | 11 | 150 | 104.717 |
8 | SW 1 | 23.911 | 11 | 150 | 39.453 |
9 | SW2 | 23.913 | 11 | 150 | 39.456 |
10 | SW3 | 72.177 | 11 | 150 | 119.092 |
11 | SW4 | 73.763 | 11 | 150 | 121.709 |
12 | LG 7 (line) | 6.146 | | 0.63 | 3.872 |
13 | LG 8 (line) | 6.146 | | 0.63 | 3.872 |
14 | Shearwall Total | | | | 327.454 |
15 | Total | | | | 1252.614 |
1 | SDL Manuel Calculation |
2 | Load Name | Load Type | SDL | Area-Length | Fx (kips) |
3 | LG 1 | Area | 20 | 990.82 | 19.816 |
4 | LG 3 | Area | 20 | 1901.81 | 38.036 |
5 | LG 5 | Area | 20 | 2381.06 | 47.621 |
6 | LG 13 | Line | 0.6 | 19.41 | 11.644 |
7 | LG 14 | Line | 0.6 | 19.41 | 11.644 |
8 | LG 15 | Line | 0.6 | 19.41 | 11.644 |
9 | LG 16 | Line | 0.6 | 19.39 | 11.631 |
10 | LG 17 | Line | 0.6 | 19.74 | 11.844 |
11 | LG 18 | Line | 0.6 | 19.74 | 11.844 |
12 | LG 19 | Line | 0.6 | 19.68 | 11.806 |
13 | LG 20 | Line | 0.6 | 19.71 | 11.825 |
14 | LG 21 | Area | 35 | 42.92 | 1.502 |
15 | LG 22 | Area | 35 | 42.92 | 1.502 |
16 | LG 23 | Area | 35 | 42.92 | 1.502 |
17 | LG 24 | Area | 35 | 42.86 | 1.500 |
18 | LG 25 | Area | 35 | 44.90 | 1.572 |
19 | LG 26 | Area | 35 | 44.90 | 1.572 |
20 | LG 27 | Area | 35 | 44.66 | 1.563 |
21 | LG 28 | Area | 35 | 44.80 | 1.568 |
22 | LG 29 | Line | 0.6 | 124.52 | 74.713 |
23 | LG 30 | Line | 0.6 | 124.06 | 74.438 |
24 | LG 9 | Line | 0.32 | 6.15 | 1.967 |
25 | LG 11 | Line | 0.32 | 6.15 | 1.967 |
26 | Toplam | | | | 364.720 |
1 | LL wR Manuel Calculation |
2 | Load Name | Load Type | LL wR | Area-Length | Fx (kips) |
3 | LG 4 | Area | 40 | 1901.811 | 76.072 |
4 | LG 6 | Area | 40 | 2381.063 | 95.243 |
5 | Clone LG 21 | Area | 60 | 42.922 | 2.575 |
6 | Clone LG 22 | Area | 60 | 42.921 | 2.575 |
7 | Clone LG 23 | Area | 60 | 42.923 | 2.575 |
8 | Clone LG 24 | Area | 60 | 42.859 | 2.572 |
9 | Clone LG 25 | Area | 60 | 44.902 | 2.694 |
10 | Clone LG 26 | Area | 60 | 44.902 | 2.694 |
11 | Clone LG 27 | Area | 60 | 44.662 | 2.680 |
12 | Clone LG 28 | Area | 60 | 44.799 | 2.688 |
13 | LG 10 | Line | 0.65 | 6.146 | 3.99 |
14 | LG 12 | Line | 0.65 | 6.146 | 3.99 |
15 | Total | | | | 200.358 |
1 | LL woR Manuel Calculation |
2 | Load Name | Load Type | LL woR | Area-Length | Fx (kips) |
3 | LG 2 | Area | 100 | 990.820 | |
4 | Opening | Area | | -154.856 | |
5 | Remain | Area | 100 | 835.964 | 83.596 |
Summary of Reaction Comparison
Name | Manuel Calculation | Aecbolt | Safe |
Self Weight | 1252.614 | 1234.18 | 1206.76 |
Super DL | 364.720 | 361.61 | 360.20 |
LL wR | 200.358 | 200.35 | 200.48 |
LL woR | 83.596 | 83.59 | 83.03 |
We don't have a way to export this macro.
1 | Project Name: Rockwell Slab Example Wall Take Plus |
2 | Include Automatic Rigid Zone Area Over Shearwall & Column button → Checked |
3 | Wall Takes Out-of-Plane Moment button → Unchecked |
4 | Slab & Column Rigid Materials arranged |
5 | Image Added |
6 | Safe Analysis Result → Sum of Reactions |
7 | Image Added |
8 | Manuel Calculation |
9 | Self Weight | Super DL | LL wR | LL woR |
10 | Code Block |
Object Name Area sq ft height ft Unit kips
Slab 5624.473 1 150
O1 68.469 1
O2 86.387 1
Slab Remain 5469.617 1 150 820.443
All Column 63.465 11 150 104.717
SW 1 23.911 11 150 39.453
SW2 23.913 11 150 39.456
SW3 72.177 11 150 119.092
SW4 73.763 11 150 121.709
LG 7 6.146 0.63 3.872
LG 8 6.146 0.63 3.872
Shearwall Total 327.454
Total 1252.614 |
| Code Block |
Load Name Load Type SDL Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 1 Area 20 990.82 19.816
LG 3 Area 20 1901.81 38.036
LG 5 Area 20 2381.06 47.621
LG 13 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 14 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 15 Line 0.6 19.41 11.644
LG 16 Line 0.6 19.39 11.631
LG 17 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844
LG 18 Line 0.6 19.74 11.844
LG 19 Line 0.6 19.68 11.806
LG 20 Line 0.6 19.71 11.825
LG 21 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 22 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 23 Area 35 42.92 1.502
LG 24 Area 35 42.86 1.500
LG 25 Area 35 44.90 1.572
LG 26 Area 35 44.90 1.572
LG 27 Area 35 44.66 1.563
LG 28 Area 35 44.80 1.568
LG 29 Line 0.6 124.52 74.713
LG 30 Line 0.6 124.06 74.438
LG 9 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967
LG 11 Line 0.32 6.15 1.967
Topla 364.720 |
| Code Block |
Load Name Load Type LL wR Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 4 Area 40 1901.811 76.072
LG 6 Area 40 2381.063 95.243
Clone LG 21 Area 60 42.922 2.575
Clone LG 22 Area 60 42.921 2.575
Clone LG 23 Area 60 42.923 2.575
Clone LG 24 Area 60 42.859 2.572
Clone LG 25 Area 60 44.902 2.694
Clone LG 26 Area 60 44.902 2.694
Clone LG 27 Area 60 44.662 2.680
Clone LG 28 Area 60 44.799 2.688
LG 10 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99
LG 12 Line 0.65 6.146 3.99
Total 200.358 |
| Code Block |
Load Name Load Type LL woR Area-Length Fx (kips)
LG 2 Area 100 990.820
Opening Area 154.856
Remain Area 100 835.964 83.596 |
11 | All Structure (kips) |
12 | Code Block |
Name Self Weight Super DL LL wR LL woR
Aecbolt 1234.180 361.6102 200.3498 83.5929
Safe 1206.757 360.197 200.483 83.026
Diffe. (Kips) 27.423 1.4132 0.1332 0.5669
Dif % 2.22 0.39 0.07 0.68 |
Tip |
Safe & Aecbolt Analysis results were compared and it was understood that the values were very close to each other. |