The other cornerstone Another crucial aspect of the AEC|BOLT platform is bringing off the its capability to perform finite element analysis directly in the web browser.
, you can seamlessly perform finite element analysis
The Cloud-based directly in your web browser. The GIF below illustrates a building model along with analytical model representations of vertical elements within a web browser environment.
Operating in the cloud, the AEC|BOLT platform also enables offers users the user to incorporate any other flexibility to effortlessly integrate various finite element analysis software to at any stage of point within the design process.
Analyze your building in your favorite FEA software.
The designer may prefer to evaluate the analysis results from different software for many reasons.
Compare the analysis results from different FEA software you wish.
Each design purpose for different structural components needs respectively specialized analysis tools.
. AEC|BOLT enables the exchange of model data with CSI Etabs and Safe, allowing users to retrieve analysis results from these software tools for comparison purposes. Additionally, AEC|BOLT design routines can be enhanced by incorporating the results obtained from CSI Etabs and Safe.
The following GIF demonstrates an example model in the CSI ETABS AECBOLT BDS App. The model is sent to ETABS for analysis, and the results are then sent back to the AECBOLT cloud for future utilization or design.
Designers have the flexibility to assess analysis results from different software and compare them to ensure quality assurance. The GIF below demonstrates how ETABS analysis results are used for the column design, in addition to the AECBOLT FEA results.
For different structural components, specialized analysis tools are required to fulfill specific design objectives. You can design each structural component based on the
desired FE analysis source of your choice. AECBOLT, for instance, can automatically generate an FEA model with or without slabs for beam gravity design, or utilize CSI Safe results. The GIF below illustrates how users have the ability to select different analysis sources (different FEA software) or analytical models for their design requirements.