Beam analysis is run executed from this section.You can perform analysis per each beam object or , allowing you to perform the analysis for all beam objects collectively.
Figure 1
You can edit adjust the mesh size of beam loads , specifically the maximum analytical beam length, from this spreadsheet as shown depicted in Figure 21.
Figure 2
→ Click Clicking the "Run Analysis" button shown , as indicated in Figure 1 to perform , will initiate the beam analysis for all beam objects.
Beam objects at each floor is listed in this spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3
→ Click beam name on the spreadsheet to edit the beam name
→ Click Run Analysis cell to perform analysis for one desired beamIf the tributary analysis has not been conducted prior to running the beam local analysis, a warning message will be displayed, similar to the one depicted in Figure 2.
If the tributary analysis results already exist, the beam local analysis can be performed without any warnings.
By selecting "Yes" from the opened window (Figure 3), you will be able to view the analysis model on a separate page or window, providing a dedicated space to explore and analyze the results.
Figure 4a illustrates the local 3D model, showcasing the structural elements in their spatial arrangement. By clicking the "<" button, as depicted in Figure 4a, an additional option labeled "FEA" becomes available (Figure 4b). Clicking on the "<" button reveals the "FEA" button, and upon clicking it, Figure 5 displays the finite element representation of the beams. This allows for a detailed examination and analysis of the structural behavior at the beam level.
After clicking on the "Analyze" button in Figure 5 and completing the analysis, you can access the corresponding finite element analysis (FEA) results from the FEA tab of the "DATA" spreadsheet, as shown in Figure 6. The FEA tab provides comprehensive information and data related to the analysis, including results such as deformed shape, displacements, forces and moments (Figure 7).
Also refer to “Show Tributary” in Beams.