Versions Compared


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Problem Description

In this example a twisted cantilever beam, modeled with shell elements, is subjected to unit forces at the tip in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions, that is, the Y and Z directions, respectively. The in-plane and out-of-plane loads are applied in different load cases. The tip displacements in the direction of the load are compared with independent hand calculated results.
The geometry, properties and loading are as suggested in MacNeal and Harder 1985. The cantilever beam is twisted 90° from the root (fixed end) to the tip. It is 12 inches long, 1.1 inches wide and 0.32 inches thick. For modeling in this model the twisted beam is meshed 2x12 (24 area objects total) as shown in the figure.

Tested Features

  •  Membrane analysis using shell elements
  •  Plate bending analysis using shell elements
  •  Joint force loading


Object Link:


Object Link:

Thin Plate Option

Model and Mesh Load Case and TypeOutput Parameter

Percent Difference

(SAP2000 vs Independent)

Percent Difference

(OpenBrIM vs Independent)


12x2 mesh

Load case IN


Uy, in

Average of

jts 13, 26, 39

0.0030290.005415 0.005429 -0.3%-44.2%

Load case OUT


Uz, in

Average of

jts 13, 26, 39

0.0014780.001769 0.0017491.1%-15.5%