Type of Construction [ShoredConstruction/UnshoredConstruction]: For steel I-girder bridges, unshored construction is commonly employed. In this method, any permanent load applied before the concrete deck has hardened or become composite is assumed to be borne entirely by the steel section, while any permanent load and live load applied after this stage are assumed to be supported by the composite section. In the case of shored construction, all permanent load is assumed to be applied after the concrete deck has hardened or become composite, and this information should be clearly stated in the contract documents.
Fatigue Parameters
ADTT: The annual daily truck traffic is a parameter used in fatigue checks.
ADTT Single Lane at Year 0:
Number of Load Path Members:
Number of Striped Lanes:
Appendix B6
This Article shall apply for the calculation of redistribution moments from the interior-pier sections of continuous span I-section flexural members at the service and/or strength limit states. These provisions shall apply only for I-section members that satisfy the requirements of Article B6.2.These optional provisions provide a simple rational approach for calculating the moment redistribution from interior-pier sections due to the effects of yielding. This approach utilizes elastic moment envelopes and does not require the direct use of any inelastic analysis methods. The restrictions of Article B6.2 ensure significant ductility and robustness at the interior-pier sections.