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nameConcrete Girder Code Check Template


Load Combination Table:


This parameter can be used to set a previously defined Load Combination table for concrete girder code checks.

Design Parameters



Factor Tension Controlled Section:


Resistance factor Compression Controlled Section:

Resistance factor Shear and Torsion Controlled Section


By default, 0.9 is used and can be changed according to user preferences. In the screenshot below, you can see the related section of AASHTO.

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Resistance Factor Compression Controlled Section: By default, 0.75 is used and can be changed according to user preferences. In the screenshot below, you can see the related section of AASHTO.

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Resistance Factor Shear and Torsion Controlled Section: By default, 0.9 is used and can be changed according to user preferences. In the screenshot below, you can see the related section of AASHTO.

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Procedure for Shear Parameters β and θ [Simplified / General (Equation) / Appendix B5 (Table)]:The simplified method follows the AASHTO standard and uses fixed values of 2.0 for β and 45 degrees for θ. Large-scale experiments (Shioya et al., 1989) have shown that using fixed values of β and θ, such as 2 and 45 degrees, can be seriously unconservative for large members without transverse reinforcement. As a result, it is important for users to exercise caution when using the general procedure. The preferred method for computing β and θ may be determined either through the general procedure or through the provisions outlined in AASHTO Appendix B5. When the user selects the general procedure, the computation follows AASHTO to calculate the values of β and θ. The method outlined in Appendix B5 utilizes tabulated values of β and θ instead of using equations,, and to compute these values.

Time-Dependent Losses Calc. Method [Approximate / Refined]:

Humidity (%) (Approximate Method): If the "Time Dependent Losses Calculation Method" parameter is defined with the option "Refined," this parameter cannot be specified and will appear as "Not Applicable (N/A)." Otherwise, humidity can be specified and will be taken into account for load rating.

Compression Check (Approximate Method): If the "Time Dependent Losses Calculation Method" parameter is defined with the option "Refined," this parameter cannot be specified and will appear as "Not Applicable (N/A)." Otherwise, the compression check can be specified and will be taken into account.

Tensile Stress Limit (Approximate Method): If the "Time Dependent Losses Calculation Method" parameter is defined with the option "Refined," this parameter cannot be specified and will appear as "Not Applicable (N/A)." Otherwise, the tensile stress limit can be specified and will be taken into account for load rating.

Section Analysis

Include Haunch? [Yes/No] : Users can specify whether to include or exclude the haunch in the section analysis, which will be used for code checks.

Include Deck Reinforcement? [Yes/No]: Specify whether to include deck reinforcement. If reinforcement is required for code checks, select Yes; otherwise, select No.

Ignore Rebar and Tendon in Section Property Calc? [Yes/No]: Specify whether to ignore rebar and tendons when calculating section properties such as inertia.

Effective Web Width Calculation (Shear) [Use Non-Composite Section to Compute / Use Composite Section to Compute / Override with User Input]:

Section Analysis Refinement (Total Fiber Count): Strain compatibility-based section analysis(flexural capacity) divides the section into a selected number of fibers. Using a higher number increases the design time by 4-5 seconds per code check station.


Support Lines Used


For Span Length Comp.[All / Selection]: In some projects, the support line object can be used as an extra bearing point. In this case, the span length calculation may not be done correctly. In such situations, it is important to manually select the support lines that separate the spans.

Selected Support Lines: Manual support line selection for span length calculation.