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Please follow the instructions provided below to view steel I-girder FEA results.

🖱️ Click on the third button on the screen that opens up and Click on the WLStage button.

Deformed Shape:

🖱️ Activate the FEA view.

You can refer to the Quick Tip below to learn how to show FEA.


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_Quick Tips
_Quick Tips


With the "FEA" view activated;

🖱️ Select "Deformed" from the drop-down menu. This option allows you to visualize the deformed shape of the structure based on the corresponding analysis results in the form of:

i) result cases,
ii) construction stages
iii) result combinations/envelopes


🖱️ Click on the first third button on the screen that opens up and Click on the Deformed WLStage button.

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Node Reaction:

🖱️ To switch to the "FEA" tab located on the lower-left side, simply click on it.


Upon switching to the "FEA" tab, you will find a variety of FE results listed under the "Results" section of the tree-view.


🖱️ Navigate to the "Node Reactions" option, either under the "Local" or "Global" category, based on your specific requirement.

On the “Data” spreadsheet, the results will be reported for: i) result cases,
ii) construction stages
iii) result combinations/envelopes

To investigate the node reactions for a specific loading, you can utilize either the tabs and tree-view items in the spreadsheet, or the drop-down menu. Both options allow you to navigate and explore the desired node reactions for the selected loading.


FEComposite Results (Graphically):

With the "FEA" view activated;

🖱️ Select "Composite Forces" from the drop-down menu. This option allows you to visualize the FEComposite results of the members based on the corresponding analysis results in the form of:

i) result cases,
ii) construction stages
iii) result combinations/envelopes


🖱️ Select "G1.CompositeGirder" from the drop-down menu. After selecting the composite group, click on the "Show" button to display the corresponding results.


🖱️ Select "My (Moment)" and “DC1DC1.Comb” Combfrom the drop-down menu.


FEComposite Results (Numerically):

🖱️ To switch to the "FEA" tab located on the lower-left side, simply click on it.


Upon switching to the "FEA" tab, you will find a variety of FE results listed under the "Results" section of the tree-view.


🖱️ Navigate to the "Composite Element Forces (Sectional)" option. On the “Data” spreadsheet, the results will be reported for:

i) result cases,
ii) construction stages
iii) result combinations/envelopes


Construction Stage Results:

With the "FEA" view activated;
🖱️ Select "Model" from the drop-down menu. As you make your selection, the subsequent drop-down menus will dynamically adjust to display relevant options based on your selection.

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🖱️ Select "Construction Stages" from the subsequent drop-down menu.

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🖱️ Select the specific construction stage that you are interested in from the relevant drop-down menu.

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🖱️ To switch to the "FEA" tab located on the lower-left side, simply click on it.

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🖱️ Navigate to the "Composite Element Forces (Sectional)" option.

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Within the spreadsheet, the results for each stage are presented in either an incremental or cumulative manner, distinguished by the column headers labeled as "Incremental or Cumulative Force.

Located on the right side of the dropdown menu boxes, you will encounter a three-dot button. This button offers options for toggling between viewing the cumulative and incremental stage results.

The FE model in the graphics view reflects only the elements that have been constructed up to that particular stage.

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🖱️ Select the stage as GirderStage.

🖱️ Click three-dots icon and select Display Incremental Results.

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For displaying either the entire structure or only the constructed elements, you can click the button.

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To switch to viewing the cumulative results for a specific stage, click on the three-dot button provided and select the "Display Cumulative Results" option.

This will update the displayed results in the spreadsheet to show the cumulative load effects of all the stages up to the selected stage.

Cumulative load effects could further be filtered by utilizing the option “Filter Cumulative Results by Load Type”.

This action will update the displayed results in the spreadsheet to show the cumulative load effects specifically for the selected load type.

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🖱️ Select the load as Dead.

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Combination Results:

With the "FEA" view activated;
🖱️ Select "Model" from the drop-down menu. As you make your selection, the subsequent drop-down menus will dynamically adjust to display relevant options based on your selection.

🖱️ Select "Combinations" from the subsequent drop-down menu.

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🖱️ Select "SuperstructureLCT.ALL_LIMIT_STATE_ENVELOPE" from the subsequent drop-down menu.

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Display Live Load Critical Vehicle Positions:

With the "FEA" view activated;
🖱️ Select "Loading" from the drop-down menu. As you make your selection, the subsequent drop-down menus will dynamically adjust to display relevant options based on your selection.

🖱️ Select "LLHL93Case.LIVELOAD" from the subsequent drop-down menu.

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To view the vehicle position responsible for generating a specific reaction, simply click on the corresponding reaction of interest in the spreadsheet cell.

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