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Please follow the instructions provided below to create the alignment where the bridge will be located.

Navigate to Bridge Geometry > Roadway Alignment

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Enter Start Station as 23820

To define alignment properties, click on the three-dot icon located on the cell and then select "Editor".

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To add a circular segment, click on the + icon located next to "Horizontal" in the editor.

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Enter a length of 126 feet, a radius of 5742 feet, and select "Towards Left" as the direction.

To add 2nd circular segments, please follow the previous step and enter the following values accordingly:

Length: 478 feet

Radius: 624 feet

Direction: “Towards Left”

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titleQuick Tip: Vertical

You can edit the Vertical data such as grades and elevations of alignment in the Vertical tab.

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Click the + icon next to Vertical to define the vertical section at a specific station.

Please enter the values for the 1st Vertical section as follows:

  • Station value: 23768 ft

  • Elevation value: 64.6 ft

  • Grade (%) value: -0.55 ft

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2nd Vertical section

  • Station value: 23877 ft

  • Elevation value: 64 ft

  • Grade (%) value: -0.55 ft

3rd Vertical section

  • Station value: 23951 ft

  • Elevation value: 64 ft

  • Grade (%) value: -2.98 ft

4th Vertical section

  • Station value: 24024 ft

  • Elevation value: 61.4 ft

  • Grade (%) value: -2.98 ft

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To define the alignment cross-section at a specific station, click on the + icon located next to "Transverse".

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Enter the cross-section Station as 23786 ft.

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Enter the Left Edge to PGL distance as 28 ft. This distance is the length from the left edge to the centerline of the alignment.

To add a section component, click on the + icon located next to "At Sta 237+86".

Enter the Width as 55 ft and Slope as %2.

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Click again + icon next to the Transverse to define the alignment cross-section at new specific stations.

Enter 2nd Station as “23983” ft and Left Edge to PGL as 28.

Enter 3rd Station as “24082” ft and Left Edge to PGL as 28.

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Enter the Width as 55 ft and Slope as %8.34 under “At Sta 239+83” and “At Sta 240+82” tab.

And Click “Accept”

titleQuick Tip: Roadway Surface

If 3D Bridge Alignment doesn’t show up in the Graphics Window, either click Zoom Extends on the right or Show Roadway Surface from the Settings.

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Completed bridge alignment is illustrated below.
