This object introduces longitudinal stiffeners without a finite element (FE) representation, and the Steel I Girder code-check object will employ them in its code-checking functionality.
Girder: Select a girder for defining the location of the stiffener.
Long. Stiff. Data:
Start Station
: Start station along the PGL.
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff.(Start Station): For visual representation, refer to the figure below.
End Station
: End station along the PGL
Clear Vert. Dist. from Top Flange to Long. Stiff.(End Station): For visual representation, refer to the figure below.
Side of Web [Both/Right/Left]: When looking up station along the PGL, you have the option to position the stiffener on the right, left, or both sides of the web.
Stiffener thickness [in]:
Stiffener width [in]:Material of the stiffener. Materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined ones.
Parameters of Dimensions tab can be used for further definitions of the 3D model of the object.
Stiffener Thickness: The thickness of the stiffener in the Z direction can be specified using this parameter.
Stiffener Width: The width of the stiffener in the transverse direction can be specified using this parameter.