Cap:Specify the Bent Cap previously defined.
Section Data:
Section Length(Starts From Top): Input the distances for the defined section, starting from the top of the bent column. If the sections do not vary, one row is sufficient.
Start Section: The location of the start section is calculated as the sum of all previously defined rows. If it is the first row, then the starting point is the top of the bent column.
End Section: The position of the end section is determined by adding the distance defined in this row to the sum of all previously specified rows.
Transverse Offset: The midpoint of the bent cap is set to 0 location. If a negative value is employed, the pier will be shifted towards the left when viewed up-station from the alignment, while a positive value will shift it towards the right when viewed up-station from the alignment.
Rotation Angle: This parameter is utilized to rotate the section.
Bottom Elevation: This parameter specifies the global elevation of the bottom of the bent column. Suppose the vertical profile of the alignment is defined, and the PGL is at an elevation of 100. In that case, entering a value of -50 here will offset the bottom of the column by 150 units from the PGL elevation.
Generate FEM?[Yes/No]:
Mesh Size:
Bottom Fixity[Fixed/Pin]:
Generate Top Hinge [NO/YES]:
Top Hinge Property:
Top Hinge Length:
Generate Bottom Hinge [NO/YES]:
Bottom Hinge Property:
Bottom Hinge Length: