Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Please follow the instructions provided below to create a new project using Tub Girder Bridge Workflow.


Click New from the left sidebar.

Image Added


Click Steel Tub Girder Bridge Workflow template

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Click Steel Tub Girder Bridge Workflow to create a new project.

Image Added


Enter the project name and the category.

Image Added


Click Data to open the spreadsheet and follow the workflow to enter data.

Image Added

titleQuick Tip: Naming Convention

It is important to use the same name for every parameter that is given throughout this example in order to eliminate possible typo or user error. If you choose to use a different naming convention, please be aware to utilize exactly the same name throughout the workflow.

Using space character is not allowed in the spreadsheet cells in order to eliminate possible typo or user error.