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Follow the next steps Please follow the instructions provided below to perform Punching Shear Code Check.

Table 1: Punching Shear


Go to “Punching Shear” under 1st Floor from Navigate to the "Punching Shear" section under "1st Floor" in the tree view.

Click “Verify All” In this section, click on the "Verify All" button.

Check if all colums columns are "Passed". If there is a columns column with "Failed" as shown in the figure, click “Show” reports and on "Show" reports to investigate why the code check verification failed.

titleAEC|BOLT BIM Cloud Punching Code Check Report


According to the report It , it has been noticed that the Top Reinforcement area is insufficient, so it is necessary to increase the reinforcement area.

Go Navigate to the "Flexural Reinforcement Tab at " tab in the same spreadsheet.

Click “Increase Top Reinforcement” button and

then BDS will add seen in the spreadsheet In this tab, click on the "Increase Top Reinforcement" button.

The Building Design Suite (BDS) will then add the Top Reinforcement Rebars to the reinforcement area as seen in the spreadsheet.

titleCAD view

Flexural Reinforcement drawn on CAD side.


Then Then go to again , Navigate again to the "Column Strip Reinforcements" section under "Top Reinforcements" from the tree view.

The rows are red because the "Provide intensity Intensity" value is insufficient.

Make To correct this, increase the "Provide Intensity" value to be higher than the "Required Intensity" value for the rows marked in red.

To do this, either increase This can be done by increasing the "Rebar" value or decrease decreasing the "Spacing" value.
You can apply , or both processes can be applied at the same time.

The When decreasing the "Spacing" value, the "Require Count" value will increase when you make the spacing smaller.
Equalize , thus, equalize the "Required Count" values with the currently available "Count of Rebars" values.




Go to “Puncing Shear” under Navigate again to the "Punching Shear" section under "1st Floor" from the tree view.

Click “Verify All” button and all “Status” has been “Passed”on the "Verify All" button. Now all "Status" should be "Passed".


The Punching Shear “Punching Shear” part is completed in this step.

1st Floor Slab analysis of this Project has been completed.