Validity of SAFE results the analysis results of the floors which are previously exported to CSI SAFE and imported back from CSI SAFE are being checked from CSI SAFE section.
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this section.
Figure 1
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Figure 1’deki butona tıklanarak daha önceden import edilmiş SAFE sonuçlarının geçerlilikleri kontrol edilir.
To check the validity of analysis states of previously imported beforeanalysis models, click “Refresh Refresh SAFE Analysis States” States button as seen in Figure 1.
Proje yeni açıldığında her zaman Figure 2’de görüldüğü gibi BDS geçerlilik kontrolü yapılmasını ister.
Validity check is always required when the project is re-opened as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2
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Notifications of validity check are demonstrated in Figure 3.