Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Sample C1 column design line spreadsheets will be introduced in this section.

Düşey olarak çakışan kolonların aynı isimle anıldığı ve tasarımının yapıldığı kısımdır.


Figure 1

Column Design Line Data


Figure 2

Assigned code check template, demand/capacity ratio, analysis source datas are displayed in this spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 2.

Click Show to see the detailed report of the column at each floor.


Figure 3

Column section and rebar detailing defined by user at each floor are displayed in drawing space as demonstrated in Figure 3.

→ Click Verify All to run code check for all the columns in the design line

→ Click Verify Selected and select columns from the drawings for running code check

→ Click Interaction Diagram and select a column to see the interaction diagram of the column

Axial Force Moment Design

Axial reinforcement design of the columns are made from this spreadsheet.


Figure 4

Axial force and moment ranges of selected analysis sources are displayed in the spreadsheet demonstrated in Figure 4.

→ User can change the rebar diameter

→ #of rebar along width/depth data must be entered for rectangular columns

→ Rebar count must be entered for circular columns


Figure 5

Rebar detailings in the section drawings will be updated according to the entered data as illustrated in Figure 5.

Shear Torsion Design

Shear and torsional reinforcement design of the column is made from this spreadsheet


Figure 6

Demand/Capacity ratio, shear results in Y and Z directions, torsion result of selected analysis sources are displayed in the spreadsheet demonstrated in Figure 6.

→ User can change longitudinal rebar, stirrup rebar and tie spacing data from the spreadsheet.

→ User can set spiral for shear reinforcement.

Design Properties

General properties that affect the column design can be set from this spreadsheet as illustrated in Figure 7


Figure 7

Reinforcement Properties


Figure 8

→ Clear cover to stirrup must be entered in this spreadsheet as demonstrated in Figure 8.

Rebar Templates

**must be updated.


Figure 9

Tributary Area

Tributary area of the column at each floor in the design line is listed in this spreadsheet


Figure 10

→ Enter a correction factor for tributary area (if necessary)

Also reducible live load area at each floor is listed in the spreadsheet. See

Tributary Forces


Figure 3

Tributary analysis results of C1 column design line are available in tributary forces spreadsheet.

Click “Spreadsheet Data” then click “Tributary Forces” as shown in Figure 1→ Go to Tributary area → Tributary Forces as demonstrated in Figure 3.

Tributary analysis results are reported per load class and , load combination and envelopes.

Load Classes and load cases used in numerical example are as follows;
