The algorithm prevents the definitions which causes circular dependency. The cells that cause the circular dependency are blocked by light grey colour.
Defining Load Geometry
After completing the geometric modelling of the building, we will create the load geometry of each floor. AEC | BOLT Building Design Suite allows you to assign loads easily and saves your time.
There is a Loads item under each floor at tree view. Load geometry of the story is drawn from here. We will draw the load geometry of 2nd floor as an example.
Click Area button to draw area load
Select load case of the load area
You can not assign line load case or point load case to area load.
You do not have to delete the load drawing if you draw it with wrong command. You can change the type of the load from spreadsheetdrawing type as shown above.
Right click on the load name in spreadsheet
Click Select in Autocad to see the drawn area
Click Select Same Load Classes to see all the loads that are drawn in the same load class
Click Select Same Load Cases to see all the loads that are drawn in the same load case
Click Duplicate to clone the load
There is no external point load in 2nd floor load schedule but you can add point load as follows;
Total of the distribution percentages must be 100.
Load drawings of each floor are visible only if loads item under the floor is active to avoid the confusion on the drawing space. Also loads are not reflected in 3D view to avoid confusion.