→ 1st floor = 0.81* 5.22 =4.23 kips
Heavy LL
Heavy LL is grouped as “L_Heavy” in Load Classes section. So all the load cases which are classified as “Heavy LL” within the boundaries of tributary area of C1 will be included to calculation. Notice that results are reported cumulatively.
Figure 22
Only 3rd floor has loadings classified as “Heavy LL” as shown in Figures 22.
→ Roof tributary force = 0
→ 3rd floor tributary force = 95.83*150/1000=14.37 kips
→ 2nd floor tributar force = 14.37+ 0= 14.37 kips
→ 1st floor tributary force = 14.37 +0 = 14.37 kips
Loadings which are grouped as “L_heavy” are permitted to be reduced.
→ Live load factor at roof = 1.0 ( Due to no force)
→ Live load factor at 3rd floor = 0.8
→ Live load factor at 2nd floor = 0.8
→ Live load factor at 1st floor = 0.8
Modified tributary forces;
→ Roof =1.0*0=0
→ 3rd floor =14.37*0.8 = 11.45 kips
→ 2nd floor =14.37*0.8 = 11.45 kips
→ 1st floor = 14.37*0.8 = 11.45 kips
Assembly/GroupA LL
Assembly/GroupA LL is grouped as “L_AssemblyGroupA” in Load Classes section. So all the load cases which are classified as “Assembly/GroupA LL” within the boundaries of tributary area of C1 will be included to calculation. Notice that results are reported cumulatively.
Figure 23
Only roof has loadings classified as “Assembly/GroupA LL” as shown in Figures 23.
→ Roof tributary force = 95.83*100/1000=9.58 kips
→ 3rd floor tributary force =9.58 +0 = 9.58 kips
→ 2nd floor tributar force = 9.58 +0 = 9.58 kips
→ 1st floor tributary force = 9.58 +0 = 9.58 kips
Loadings which are grouped as “L_AsemblyGroupA” are not permitted to be reduced.
→ Live load factor at roof = 1.0
→ Live load factor at 3rd floor = 1.0
→ Live load factor at 2nd floor =1.0
→ Live load factor at 1st floor = 1.0
Modified tributary forces;
→ Roof =1.0*9.58=9.58 kips
→ 3rd floor =1.0*9.58=9.58 kips
→ 2nd floor =1.0*9.58=9.58 kips
→ 1st floor = 1.0*9.58=9.58 kips
PassengerVehicleGarages LL
PassengerVehicleGarages LL is grouped as “L_PassengerVehicleGarages” in Load Classes section. So all the load cases which are classified as “PassengerVehicleGarages LL” within the boundaries of tributary area of C1 will be included to calculation. Notice that results are reported cumulatively.
Figure 24
Only roof has loadings classified as “PassengerVehicleGarages LL” as shown in Figures 24.
→ Roof tributary force = 0
→ 3rd floor tributary force =0
→ 2nd floor tributar force = 0
→ 1st floor tributary force = 95.77*40/1000= 3.83 kips
Loadings which are grouped as “L_AsemblyGroupA” are not permitted to be reduced.
→ Live load factor at roof = 1.0 ( Due to no force)
→ Live load factor at 3rd floor = 1.0 ( Due to no force)
→ Live load factor at 2nd floor =1.0 ( Due to no force)
→ Live load factor at 1st floor = min(0.8 ,100- 0.08*(3*95.83+95.77-150)/100)=0.81
Modified tributary forces;
→ Roof =1.0*0=0
→ 3rd floor =1.0*0=0
→ 2nd floor =1.0*0=0
→ 1st floor = 0.81*3.83 = 3.1 kips