Bolt Property: Should be set to a previously defined 'Bolt Property' under Properties.
Bolt Arrangement:It This is an input in the form of a list. Each element of the list represents how many bolts there are , where each element represents the number of bolts per column.
Vertical Distance between Between Bolt Center and Edge: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure belowReference Point: For each section, the point (0,0) is the reference point. To define the bolt's location in the vertical direction with respect to the reference point (0,0), this parameter can be used.
Horizontal Distance between Between Bolt Center and Edge: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.
Spacing between Rows: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.
Spacing between Columns: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.
Reference Point: For each section, the point (0,0) is the reference point. To define the bolt's location in the horizontal direction with respect to the reference point (0,0), this parameter can be used.
Spacing Between Rows: The center-to-center distance for bolts in adjacent rows can be specified using this parameter.
Spacing Between Columns: The center-to-center distance for bolts in adjacent columns can be specified using this parameter.
Bolt Group Rotation From Reference Point: To rotate the bolts' center axis in the vertical direction, this parameter can be used, where a negative value will rotate the bolts in a clockwise direction when looking upstation along the PGL.
Info |
Reference Points of Gusset Plates For Category : Top- Left Plate |
Display Settings
Show Bolts [YES/NO]: If this parameter is set to 'NO,' the bolts will not be displayed. Otherwise, the bolts will be shown within the model.However, enabling this option increases the triangulation number, leading to slower performance. To reduce compile time, disabling the detailing option can be helpful.