Additional Result Extraction Station: The results of FEComposite elements are generated for stations by default. If additional results are needed at a specific station, this parameter can be used. The FEA will not be affected; only the “Composite Element Forces” and “Composite Element Stresses” are calculated based on the “Additional Result Extraction Station” inputs.
The quantities obtained from parameter definitions are presented to the user as read-only values under this tab.
Min Section Area: For varying sections in the row defined, the minimum cross-section area will be displayed under this column.
Max Section Area: For varying sections in the row defined, the maximum cross-section area will be displayed under this column.
Total Surface Area: The combined surface area of all elements is summed up and presented under this column. Each side of the element’s surfaces is accounted for in the calculations.
Min Cross-Section Perimeter: For varying cross-sections, the minimum perimeter obtained from the smallest cross-section is presented under this column.
Max Cross-Section Perimeter: For varying cross-sections, the maximum perimeter obtained from the largest cross-section is presented under this column.
Volume: The total volume of the entire girder is presented under this column.
Min Length Path: The shortest vertical length of the girder is presented under this column.
Length @ COG Path: The length of the girder along its center of gravity (COG) axis is presented under this column.
Weight: The weight of the girder is calculated based on its properties and assigned materials.