Skew Angle: Define the skew angle for the diaphragm.
Is it an Intermediate or Pier/End Diaphragm?[Intermediate/Pier-End]: This parameter can be used to define whether the diaphragm is an intermediate diaphragm or a pier-end diaphragm.
Material: Assign a material to the diaphragm. A material can either be imported or assigned from a previously defined one under Properties - Materials.
Section Details
Is Does the Top Flange Exist?[YES/NO]: Specify whether a top flange exists or not.
Is Does the Bottom Flange Exist? [YES/NO]: Specify whether a bottom flange exists or not.
Cope (Bottom Corners): For visual representation, refer to the figure below.
Is Does a Manhole Exist? [YES/NO]: This parameter can be used to specify whether or not a manhole exists on the diaphragm.