Longitudinal Offset: If you intend to adjust the centerline of the pier cap in the longitudinal direction, use this offset value. For end bents, a value of typically half the section width can be helpful, as support lines are typically not defined at the centerline for end bents.
Generate FEM?[Yes/No]: Setting the "Generate Fem" parameter to "No" can disable the analytical representation of the pier cap substructure.
Additional Break Points List: Break points can be added to include additional nodes at various positions. By default, nodes are generated at the column and bearing locations.
Merge Deck Nodes [YES/NO]: Opting for "Yes" avoids creating additional nodes in the deck mesh and utilizes the nearest nodes with automatically computed element end offsets.
Longitudunal Reinforcement Data:
Reinforcement Profile: Select a rebar profile for the longitudinal reinforcement
Reinforcement Material:Number Select a rebar material for the longitudinal reinforcement.
# of Bars: Specify the number of rebars in a single row.
Inner Rebar Spacing: Specify the inner rebar spacing. The distance is measured from the center of one rebar to the center of the another rebar.
Outer Rebar Spacing: Specify the outer rebar spacing between rebars. The distance is measured from the center of one rebar to the center of the adjacent rebar.
Reference Edge[Top/Bottom]: Specify the reference edge for Distance to Reference Edgeinput.
Distance to Reference Edge: Set the distance to reference edge. This distance is measured from the Reference Edgeof the section to the center of the rebar.
Offset from Start : Offset distance from right side of the Pier Cap(if there is any).
Offset from End: Offset distance from left side of the Pier Cap(if there is any).
Horizontal Offset from Center: Specify the horizontal offset to move center of the rebar row.
Shear Reinforcement Data:
Adjust Pier Cap Edges to PGL: When the support line used ,to define the Pier Cap location, has a non-zero skew angle, selecting 'Yes' adjusts the Pier Cap edges to be parallel to the PGL.
End Slope (1HxV) : The slope of the pier cap can be adjusted.
Cap Opacity: Input a value between 0.1 and 1. A value of 0.1 represents maximum transparency, allowing the rebar or tendons inside to be visible, while a value of 1 signifies no transparency.