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LocationGirder: Choose Specify the a girder that are connected by the cross framegirder for which the crossframe will be generated. Skew Angle [deg]:: A positive skew value rotates the cross frame in a clockwise direction, while a negative skew value rotates it in a counterclockwise direction. It is important to remember that the cross frames are positioned at the specified station along a line perpendicular to the PGL, which is then rotated according to the entered skew value. Station[ftStart/End]: Enter the station along the PGLThe station of the cross-frame can either be defined using the options Start/End or through a manual definition. SectionsTop Chord Section - : Assign a section for the top chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by the users. The finite element representation is in the form of a truss. Diagonal Chord Section : Assign a section for the top/bottom/diagonal diagonal chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by the users. The finite element representation is in the form of a truss. Bottom Chord Section: Assign a section for the bottom chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by the users. The finite element representation is in the form of a truss. Chord Geometry
Top Chord- Vertical Offset from top of web [in]Top of Web: Top Chord- Horizontal Offset from center of web [in]Center of Web: Diagonal Chord- Vertical Offset from top of web [in]Top of Web: Diagonal Chord- Vertical Offset from bottom of web [in]Bottom of Web: Diagonal Chord- Topside Inner Offset [in] : Diagonal Chord- Bottomside Inner Offset [in] : Bottom Chord- Vertical Offset from top of web [in]Top of Web: Bottom Chord- Horizontal Offset from center of web [in]Center of Web : Top Chord Orientation Angle [deg]: Left Diagonal Chord Orientation Angle [deg]: Right Diagonal Chord Orientation Angle [deg]: Bottom Chord Orientation Angle [deg]: Gusset PlateThe parameters listed below are exclusively used for 3D representation. Info | . "Gusset Plate" objects defined under the 'Properties' tab are assigned here.
Top Gusset Plate: Bottom Gusset Plate:Top Gusset Plate: Assign a previously defined gusset plate to the topside. Bottom Gusset Plate: Assign a previously defined gusset plate to the bottom side. Center Gusset Plate: Assign a previously defined gusset plate to the center plate. Vertical offset Offset from top Top of Web (Center Plate) [in]:Horizontal Distance between : For a visual representation, refer to the figure below. Horizontal Dist. Between Web Edge and Plate Edge [in]:: For a visual representation, refer to the figure below. StiffenerThe parameters listed below are exclusively used for 3D representation.
Note | . Stiffener Used [inYES/NO]: vertical stiffener thickness [in]: vertical stiffener width [in]Vertical Stiffener Thickness: Vertical Stiffener Width: Vertical distance Distance from Top of Web [in]: Vertical distance Distance from Bottom of Web [in]: Top-inner chamfer [in]Inner Chamfer: Top-outer chamfer [in]Outer Chamfer: Bottom-inner chamfer [in]Inner Chamfer: Bottom-outer chamfer [in]Outer Chamfer: Material : |
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