Assign a section for the top, bottom, or diagonal chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by users. The section data will be utilized for the 3D model of the object and will directly influence the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Finite Element Model (FEM).
Top Chord Section: Assign a section for the top chord.
Bottom Chord Section: Assign a section for the bottom chord.
Diagonal Chord Section: Define a section for the diagonal chord.
Top Chord Orientation Angle: Specify an angle for the top chord to rotate around itslongitudinal axis.
Bottom Chord Orientation Angle: Specify an angle for the bottom chord to rotate around itslongitudinal axis.
Diagonal Chord Orientation Angle:
Specify an angle for the diagonal chords to rotate around itslongitudinal axis.
Gusset Plate
The parameters listed below are used for 3D representation. While gusset plates do not have finite element model (FEM) and do not provide additional stiffness to the elements, they can still be applied as weight loads and used for code checks, depending on user-defined settings and specifications. For visual representation of each parameter, refer to the figure below.
Top Gusset Plate: Gusset plates that exist under Superstructure > Connections can be assigned to the related column.
Offset From Top of Web (Top Plate): This parameter specifies the distance or offset from the top of the web to the location of the top gusset plate.
Offset From Bot. of Web (Bot. Plate): Offset From Bot. of Web (Center Plate):This defines the offset or distance from the bottom of the web to the location of the bottom gusset plate.
Horizontal Dist. btw Web Centerline and Plate Edge: Specifies the horizontal offset or distance between the centerline of the web and the nearest edge of the plate.
The parameters listed below are used for 3D representation. While cross-frame stiffeners do not have finite element models (FEM) and do not provide additional stiffness to the elements, they can still be applied as weight loads, depending on user-defined settings and specifications.
Stiffener Used [YES/NO]: If this parameter is set to 'YES,' the user can define additional parameters for stiffeners. If it is set to 'NO,' the other parameters will be marked as not applicable (N/A).
Vertical Stiffener Thickness: For visual representation of vertical stiffener thickness, refer to the figure below.
Vertical Stiffener Width: For visual representation of vertical stiffener width, refer to the figure below.
The material definition for the stiffener can be made using this parameter. Materials can either be imported or assigned from previously defined ones.
These parameters are used for both computing the member end offset of cross frame truss elements in finite element analysis and 3D representation. For visual representation of each parameter, refer to the figures below.
Top Chord - Vertical Distance of WP from top of web: