Versions Compared


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Vertical Dist. btw Bolt Center and Edge: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.

Horizontal Dist. btw Bolt Center and Edge: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.

Spacing btw Rows: For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.

Spacing btw Columns:

parameters can be used to further define bolt related properties.


For a visual representation of this parameter, please refer to the figure below.


Display Settings

Circular Smoothness: The 3D model of the bolts can be adjusted with this parameter. Higher Circular Smoothness will result in a more circular visualization of the bolts.


Gusset plates defined in this section will be further used in the gusset plate definitions of the Cross Frames. Insert excerpt_ConfluenceInclusions_ConfluenceInclusionsnameCrossFrameKB1nopaneltrue


If the weight loads of the Gusset Plates need to be applied to the model, you can define the parameters in the spreadsheet under Construction → Superstructure Construction → Girder Erection (Partial) / Girder/Cross-Frame Erection (Complete) for this purpose.

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