1 | 🖱️ Click on Name cell and set name as CFrameCCT. | |||||||||||
2 | As a result of these operations, an issue will appear on the OpenBrIM screen. This does not necessarily mean that any operation was done incorrectly. The issue will be resolved when the load combination table is define in the next step. | |||||||||||
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4 | 🖱️ Click the three-dots icon on the Load Combination Table cell, and then set SuperstructureLCT. | |||||||||||
5 | 🖱️ Click the three-dots icon on the Check Gusset Plates cell, and then set YES. | |||||||||||
6 | You can edit the Fatigue parameters of Cross Frame Code Check from Fatigue Parameters tab. 🖱️Enter the ADTT as 1250. 🖱️Enter the Number of lanes available to trucks as 3. 🖱️Keep Member Connection Eccentricity Input Method and Additional Load Factor For Fatigue as default. | |||||||||||
7 | Proceed to the next step to verify the model. |