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Girders: Choose the two girders that are connected by the diaphragm.

Skew Angle: A positive skew value rotates the cross frame in a clockwise direction, while a negative skew value rotates it in a counterclockwise direction. It is important to remember that the cross frames are positioned at the specified station along a line perpendicular to the PGL, which is then rotated according to the entered skew value.


Inaccurate finite element models and disconnected nodes/elements in the cross frame can occur if the entered station values are not >= the girder start station or <= the girder end station. This can cause stability issues in the finite element model. To ensure correct station input, users should select the start/end options from the station input. This approach is especially recommended for cross frames located at the beginning or end of girders.

Diaphragm Location [Interior/Left Exterior/Right Exterior] :


Transverse Distance from edge of bottom flange [in]Edge of Bottom Flange:

Additional Width from Center of Web [ft]:

Diaphragm Depth [in]:



Top vertical offset Vertical Offset from top of deck [in]Top of Deck:

Bottom vertical offset Vertical Offset from bottom of girder [in]Bottom of Girder:

FEA Settings

FE Model[Two Beam+Shell/Single Beam]: The top and bottom flanges will be modeled as beam elements, and the beam will be modeled as a shell element if the "two beam+shell" option is chosen. In the absence of this option, a complete section will be defined as a single beam and connected to both bottom and top flange nodes using rigid elements, based on the user's selected preferences.
