Girders: Choose the two girders that are connected by the cross frame.
Skew Angle [deg]: A positive skew value rotates the cross frame in a clockwise direction, while a negative skew value rotates it in a counterclockwise direction. It is important to remember that the cross frames are positioned at the specified station along a line perpendicular to the PGL, which is then rotated according to the entered skew value.
Has middle gusset Plate?[Yes/No]: Choose "Yes" if there is a gusset plate at the overlapping section of the X. The image below does not depict a gusset plate in the middle.
Assign a section for the top, bottom, or diagonal chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by users. The section data will be utilized for the 3D model of the object and will directly influence the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Finite Element Model (FEM).