Skew Angle [deg]: A positive skew value rotates the cross frame in a clockwise direction, while a negative skew value rotates it in a counterclockwise direction. It is important to remember that the cross frames are positioned at the specified station along a line perpendicular to the PGL, which is then rotated according to the entered skew value.
Station [ft][Start/End]: Enter the station along the PGL. When dealing with curved girder bridges, collecting distance along the girder length can lead to different inputs for the right and left girder that are connected by cross frames, causing ambiguity. Therefore, collecting the station along the PGL is a more reliable solution to avoid such issues. Furthermore, since cross frames are typically continuous in the transverse direction, entering the same station for all cross frames ensures that their locations are consistent between each girder.
Has middle gusset Plate?[Yes/No]: Choose "Yes" if there is a gusset plate at the overlapping section of the X. The image below does not depict a gusset plate in the middle.
The parameters listed below are employed for 3D representation and are integrated into the gusset plate code section of the cross frame code check object's design process. They do not introduce any additional stiffness into the finite element analysis. Nonetheless, if you choose to perform load computations based on the stiffener and gusset plates, they will impact the weight calculation.
Top Chord Section - :
Bottom Chord Section - :
Diagonal Chord Section: Assign a section for the top/bottom/diagonal chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by the users. The finite element representation is in the form of a truss.
Gusset Plate
The parameters listed below are employed for 3D representation and are integrated into the gusset plate code section of the cross frame code check object's design process. They do not introduce any additional stiffness into the finite element analysis. Nonetheless, if you choose to perform load computations based on the stiffener and gusset plates, they will impact the weight calculatio
Select Bottom Plate Geometry:
Chamfer Height:
Chamfer Width:
Top gusset width [in]:
Top gusset height [in]:
Top gusset offset from top of web [in]:
Bottom gusset width from bottom of web[in]:
Bottom gusset height [in]:
Bottom gusset offset [in]:
Center gusset plate width [in]:
Center gusset plate height [in]:
Gusset plate thickness [in]:
Web centerline to gusset plate edge distance [in]:
Gusset plate material:
Gusset Plate Bolts
Top Gusset Plate Bolt Group:
Bottom Gusset Plate Bolt Group:
Bolt Column Vertical Edge Distance [in]:
Bolt Column Horizontal Edge Distance [in]:
Bolt Vertical Spacing [in]:
Bolt Horizontal Spacing [in]:
Segments of Bolts:
Gusset Plate Bolt Property:
Show Bolts (Detailing):calculation.
Top Gusset Plate: Gusset plates that exist under Superstructure > Connections can be assigned to the related column.
Bottom Gusset Plate: Gusset plates that exist under Superstructure > Connections can be assigned to the related column.
Center Gusset Plate: Gusset plates that exist under Superstructure > Connections can be assigned to the related column.
Offset From Top of Web (Top Plate):
Offset From Bot. of Web (Bot. Plate):
Offset From Bot. of Web (Center Plate):
Horizontal Dist. btw Web Centerline and Plate Edge:
The parameters listed below are employed for 3D representation. They do not introduce any additional stiffness into the finite element analysis. Nonetheless, if you choose to perform load computations based on the stiffener and gusset plates, they will impact the weight calculation.
vertical stiffener thickness [in]:
vertical stiffener width [in]Stiffener Used [YES/NO]:
Vertical Stiffener Thickness:
Vertical Stiffener Width:
These parameters are used for both computing the member end offset of cross frame truss elements in finite element analysis and 3D representation.
Top Chord - Vertical Distance of WP from top of web [in]:
Top Chord - Horizontal Distance of WP center of web [in]:
Top Chord - Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Vertical offset from WP of Top chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Horizontal offset from WP of Top chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Vertical offset from WP of Bottom chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - Horizontal offset from WP of Bottom chord [in]:
Diagonal Chord - TopSide Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Diagonal Chord - BottomSide Inner Offset from WP [in]:
Bottom Chord - Vertical Distance of WP from Bottom of web [in]:
Bottom Chord - Horizontal Distance of WP from center of web [in]:
Bottom Chord - Inner Offset from WP [in]:
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Axial Rigidity
Top Chord Axial Rigidity Coefficient:
Bottom Chord Axial Rigidity Coefficient:
Diagonal Chord Axial Rigidity Coefficient: