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ArticulationInsertion Point: Tx [kip/in]: Ty [kip/in]: Tz [kip/in]: Rx [kip-in/rad]: Ry [kip-in/rad]: Rz [kip-in/rad]: Bearing Rotation [deg]: Transfer Forces to Substrucure: InputsBottom plate thickness [in]: Bottom plate length [in]: Bottom plate width [in]: Top plate thickness [in]: Top plate length [in]: Top plate width [in]: Bottom anchor bolt hole diameter [in]: Bottom anchor bolt edge distance [in]: Top bolt hole diameter [in]: Top bolt edge distance [in]: Angle of curvature at top [deg]: Angle of curvature at bottom [deg]: Sliding plate length [in]: Plate radius of curvature [in]: Thickness of sliding plate at top [in]: Thickness of sliding plate at bottom [in]: The definitions made in this section affect the 3D model and, accordingly, the 2D model. The finite element model will be visible when fixity values are defined. The definitions related with 3D model of the object can be specified by using the tab ‘Inputs’. ArticulationTx/Ty/Tz [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: Allowing the bearing to displace can be arranged using these parameters. The bearing can be one of the three: Free, Fixed, or Fixed until it reaches a certain amount of applied force (definition with a stiffness value). Rx/Ry/Rz [Fixed/Free/Stiffness]: The rotation values along the axis can be determined for a bearing. The bearings can be free to rotate, fixed, or fixed until a specific point (definition with a stiffness value). Bearing Rotation: Curved decks can be guided either radially from a fixed point or tangentially to the radius of curvature. When the deck is guided radially, precise geometry is crucial for the bearings that are farthest from the fixed point. For structures with a constant curvature, it is recommended to align the bearings tangentially to effectively guide the deck around the curve as it expands and contracts. Transfer Forces to Substructure [Yes/No]: If the user chooses to connect the superstructure to the substructure, a two-node spring is required between the pier cap and the girder, which can be generated by selecting “YES”. Conversely, if there is no substructure or if the abutments are being considered (currently, abutments in OpenBrIM have the "Generate FEM" option set to “NO”), the correct setting for the "Transfer Forces to Substructure" parameter is“NO” and one node springs are needed. InputsThe Inputs tab can be used to make further definitions for the 3D model objects. |
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