1 | Log in to your account and locate the 'Project' option in the top right corner. | Insert excerpt |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
name | allinoneworkflow2 |
nopanel | true |
2 | Click on 'Project' and then select 'NEW' from the top left corner of the screen. | Insert excerpt |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
name | allinoneworkflow1 |
nopanel | true |
3 | Under the 'Example Project' section, click on 'New Project' specifically located within the 'Precast I-Girder Training Example'. | Insert excerpt |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
name | allinoneworkflow9 |
nopanel | true |
4 | Provide a name for your project and proceed to open the example project. | Insert excerpt |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
name | allinoneworkflow10 |
nopanel | true |
5 | Panel |
panelIconId | 231b |
panelIcon | :hourglass: |
panelIconText | ⌛ |
bgColor | #FFFAE6 |
| Please note that the initial download process for the library components take approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete. The reopening of the same project will experience a notable increase in speed, primarily due to the caching of OpenBrIM library objects within your browser. The loading of library objects during this process generally takes less than 2-3 seconds |
6 | Insert excerpt |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
| _AllinonebridgeworkflowSS |
name | allinoneworkflow11 |
nopanel | true |
7 | Name the group you are determining. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup1 |
nopanel | true |
28 | Click on three points by clicking on 'Pick Objects' input, then select 'Pick'. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup2 |
nopanel | true |
39 | Pick the 'Abut1' and 'Pier1' support lines on the project screen for UnitSpan1. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup3 |
nopanel | true |
410 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Selecting all objects in the span can be difficult. Instead, it is easier to select support lines and then select the reference objects using 'Select References'. |
511 | Click on 'Select References' by clicking on three points. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup4 |
nopanel | true |
612 | In the opened 'Select Referencing Objects' screen, all reference objects related to the selected 2 support lines are listed. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup5 |
nopanel | true |
713 | When you click on any object, all reference objects of the clicked object are selected on the screen. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup6 |
nopanel | true |
Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup13 |
nopanel | true |
814 | Click 'Abut1' and 'Pier1' to select all their references. Then, remove the selection of 7 insertion points belonging to the second span (IP11, IP12, IP13, IP14, IP15, IP16, IP17). | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup7 |
nopanel | true |
915 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Now all selected objects belong to Span 1. |
1016 | Click on the 'Select' button at the bottom right of the 'Select Referencing Objects' screen to select the chosen objects. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup8 |
nopanel | true |
1117 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Now you can see all the selected objects listed under the 'Pick Objects' input. |
1218 | When you click on the 'View All' button on the left side of the screen, you can see the created 'Object Group' objects here. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup9 |
nopanel | true |
1319 | You can ensure control by viewing the created 'Object Group' objects. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup10 |
nopanel | true |
1420 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Similar steps are followed to create 'Object Groups' for Span-2 and Span-3. |
1521 | Let's deactivate SpanUnit1 and activate only the objects in Span-2 and Span-3. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup11 |
nopanel | true |
1622 | Only the 3D and finite models of active objects are visible. Additionally, the design reports remaining in the deactivated section will also be deactivated. (This situation can be adjusted with the 'Activation/Deactivation Impact' input.) | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup12 |
nopanel | true |