1 | Name the group you are determining. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup1 |
nopanel | true |
2 | Click on three points by clicking on 'Pick Objects' input, then select 'Pick'. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup2 |
nopanel | true |
3 | Pick the 'Abut1' and 'Pier1' support lines on the project screen for UnitSpan1. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup3 |
nopanel | true |
4 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Selecting all objects in the span can be difficult. Instead, it is easier to select support lines and then select the reference objects using 'Select References'. |
5 | Click on 'Select References' by clicking on three points. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup4 |
nopanel | true |
6 | In the opened 'Select Referencing Objects' screen, all reference objects related to the selected 2 support lines are listed. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup5 |
nopanel | true |
7 | When you click on any object, all reference objects of the clicked object are selected on the screen. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup6 |
nopanel | true |
8 | Click 'Abut1' and 'Pier1' to select all their references. Then, remove the selection of 7 insertion points belonging to the second span (IP11, IP12, IP13, IP14, IP15, IP16, IP17). | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup7 |
nopanel | true |
9 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Now all selected objects belong to Span 1. |
10 | Click on the 'Select' button at the bottom right of the 'Select Referencing Objects' screen to select the chosen objects. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup8 |
nopanel | true |
11 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Now you can see all the selected objects listed under the 'Pick Objects' input. |
12 | When you click on the 'View All' button on the left side of the screen, you can see the created 'Object Group' objects here. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup9 |
nopanel | true |
13 | You can ensure control by viewing the created 'Object Group' objects. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup10 |
nopanel | true |
14 | Panel |
panelIconId | e42e3814-f644-4249-b705-23f6880c02b8 |
panelIcon | :iconinfo: |
panelIconText | :iconinfo: |
bgColor | #DEEBFF |
| Similar steps are followed to create 'Object Groups' for Span-2 and Span-3. |
15 | Let's deactivate SpanUnit1 and activate only the objects in Span-2 and Span-3. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup11 |
nopanel | true |
16 | Only the 3D and finite models of active objects are visible. Additionally, the design reports remaining in the deactivated section will also be deactivated. | Insert excerpt |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
| _ObjectGroupSS |
name | objectGroup12 |
nopanel | true |