End Diaphragm
Diaphragm Location[Start/End]: End diaphragms can be defined at the end or start of the girder.
Connected Girders: Select all the girders for which an end diaphragm is defined.
Depth: Total vertical depth.
Additional Overhang Length Transverse Direction Left- Right: Additional transverse distance from the girder's exterior web centerline. You can determine the right and left directions by looking up-station
Thickness (Downstation w.r.t Support Line): The thickness (Downstation) of the end diaphragm measured from Support Line where girders are connected.
Thickness (Upstation w.r.t Support Line): Enter the thickness value used to calculate the weight The thickness (Upstation) of the end diaphragm . Stiffness of the created finite elements is not affected by this input. During construction of diaphragms, the user can decide whether to include the diaphragm weight as a load or to ignore the diaphragm load effects in the model.measured from Support Line where girders are connected.
User can define skew values for end diaphragms. However, if the defined Support Line is at the start of the girder unit or at the end of the girder unit, Start Skew [deg] or End Skew [deg] values are automatically assigned to the Support Line’s skew value, respectively.
Material: Set the material for the end diaphragm. It is possible to consider the weight of the end diaphragm and apply it as loads in stage construction analysis.