Panel | ||||||
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Follow the next steps to add the pier cap. |
Go to Pier Cap under Pier on the tree view.
Info |
After clicking on 'Substructure> Pier> Pier Cap' in the navigation treeview, follow the steps to define the Pier Cap. You can use the collapsed documentation page below for more information on the explanations of each parameter. |
Expand | ||
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Pier Cap [SIG] |
1 |
, and then set Pier2. | ||||||||||||
2 | As a result of these operations, an issue will appear on the OpenBrIM screen. This does not necessarily mean that any operation was done incorrectly. The issue will be resolved when the pier cap section is define in the next step. | |||||||||||
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as 6. |
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Go back to pier cap, select Slope Option as alignment.
Edit Top Elevation Offset from Alignment, Transverse Offset, Longitudinal Offset and Section Type value.
Go to FEM tab and select a section for Rigid Section.
Go to Longitudinal Reinforcement tab and edit Reinforcement Data.
Go to Visual Setings tab.
Enter the Cap Opacity, Reinforcement Opacity and Circular Smoothness.
Go to Pier Cap under Pier on the tree view.
Copy Pier Cap from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM.
Go to FEM under Pier on the tree view.
Tip |
    Completed pier cap is illustrated below. |
select a Section as PierCapRec_Taper. If you have reached this stage and you don't have a section to select, and if you want to use the Import Button, you can refer to the Quick Tip. | ||||||||||||
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21 | When the steps are completed, the shared screenshot displayed in the adjacent cell should be visible in the 3D view of OpenBrIM. | |||||||||||
22 | To model all the pier cap, copy the data below and paste the parameters into the first cell in OpenBrIM spreadsheet. Refer to the quick tip for an easy guide on how to perform the copy operation. After completing the copy, proceed to the next step to verify the model. |
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Pier Cap |
Circular-Parabolic Variation
Code Block |
PierCap1 N/A N/A
PierCap2 N/A N/A |
Code Block |
PierCap1 Yes RigidSection [0]
PierCap2 Yes RigidSection [0] |
Longitudinal Reinforcement
Code Block |
PierCap1 No []
PierCap2 No [] |
Visual Settings
Code Block |
PierCap1 0.7500 1.0000 6.0000
PierCap2 0.7500 1.0000 6.0000 |
Straight-Tapered Section / Length
Section for PierCap1
Code Block |
6.0000 PierCapRec_Taper PierCapRec_Mid
36.5000 PierCapRec_Mid PierCapRec_Mid
6.0000 PierCapRec_Mid PierCapRec_Taper |
Section for PierCap2
Anchor | ||||
Tip |
The completed pier caps are illustrated below. Please verify that you have the same model on your end by examining each view provided here. For more information on how to perform visual checks, refer to the quick tips. |
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Tip |
To view the entire procedure explained on this page, please watch the recorded Video below. |