FEA Settings
Mesh Size (Longitudinal) [ft] : The maximum distance between nodes in the longitudinal direction is specified using the longitudinal mesh size. In most cases, a smaller mesh size can be generated based on the bracing locations, deck pouring or deconstruction definitions, or section change locations.
Mesh Size (Vertical) [ft]:Merge Tol:: It has been introduced to divide the tub girder web in the vertical direction but is disabled in our standard workflows to reduce live load analysis result extraction time. It can be activated upon request by enterprise customers for specific projects.
Merge Tol: The "Merge tol"distance parameter is utilized to prevent the creation of small elements. If the generated mesh results in two small elements, it can increase the aspect ratio and potentially lead to incorrect finite element analysis results. Using the default value is a good choice unless you receive other recommendations from the OpenBrIM support team.
# of Result Extraction St.: The result extraction station settings are solely for viewing FEA composite results in either the spreadsheet or FEA view, and do not impact standard finite element analysis results like member end forces, node displacement, and node reactions. For girder code checks, exact code check stations will be utilized for FEA composite results.