Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


sectionPerimeter( Section ) : This function requires a T=”Section” object as input and calculates the total length of the outer boundary of the section.

sectionExt( Section ) : This function requires a T=”Section” object as input and returns [maxX,minX,MaxY,MinY] coordinates of the section.

sectionSCy( Section) : This function requires a T=”Section” object as input and calculates the elastic section modulus in Y axis.

sectionSCz( Section) : This function requires a T=”Section” object as input and calculates the elastic section modulus in Z axis.


Code Block
<O N="sectionFunctionsObject1" T="Project" Category="Functions" TransAlignRule="1">
    <!-- created by ParamML Examples on 8/9/2023 -->
    <P N="d" V="14" Role="Input" />
    <P N="bf" V="9" Role="Input" />
    <P N="t" V="1" Role="Input" />
    <O T="Line">
        <O T="Point" X="0" Y="0" />
        <O T="Point" X="14" Y="0" />
        <O N="IGirder" T="Section">
            <O T="Shape">
                <O T="Point" X="bf/2" Y="-d/2" />
                <O T="Point" X="bf/2" Y="-d/2+t" />
                <O T="Point" X="t/2" Y="-d/2+t" />
                <O T="Point" X="t/2" Y="d/2-t" />
                <O T="Point" X="bf/2" Y="d/2-t" />
                <O T="Point" X="bf/2" Y="d/2" />
                <O T="Point" X="-bf/2" Y="d/2" />
                <O T="Point" X="-bf/2" Y="d/2-t" />
                <O T="Point" X="-t/2" Y="d/2-t" />
                <O T="Point" X="-t/2" Y="-d/2+t" />
                <O T="Point" X="-bf/2" Y="-d/2+t" />
                <O T="Point" X="-bf/2" Y="-d/2" />
    <O N="MechanicalProperties" T="Group">
        <P N="Ax" V="sectionA(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Ay" V="sectionAy(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Az" V="sectionAz(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Agross" V="sectionAg(IGirder)" />
        <P N="J" V="sectionJ(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Iy" V="sectionIy(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Iz" V="sectionIz(IGirder)" />
        <P N="ry" V="sectionRy(IGirder)" />
        <P N="rz" V="sectionRz(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Cz" V="sectionCz(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Cy" V="sectionCy(IGirder)" />
        <P N="Cw" V="sectionCw(IGirder)" />
        <P N="SDepth" V="sectionDepth(IGirder)" />
        <P N="SWidth" V="sectionWidth(IGirder)" />
        <P N="SPerimeter" V="sectionPerimeter(IGirder)" />

As illustrated in the provided image, this ParamML code defines a specific geometric shape resembling an "I-beam" calculates its mechanical properties using section functions following a consistent pattern of combining the word "section" with a property identifier.This pattern is likely designed to make the functions self-explanatory and easy to understand.

To view this example in the library, see ( )
