Versions Compared


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Navigate to Properties > Sections


To import a section, click on the three-dot icon located on the first cell of the Name and select "Import Section".


Select OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Precast I Girder Sections > FDOT I BEAMS > FIB36

Assign Material as: Fc_8_1/2ksi

Select OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Precast I Girder Sections > FDOT I BEAMS > AASHTO_TYPE_III_BEAM

Assign Material as: Fc_6ksi

OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AISC Steel Shape Database > HP Type > AISCHP 14X89

Assign Material as: A709_50W

OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AISC Steel Shape Database > HP Type > AISCHP 14X89

Assign Material as: A709_50W

OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AISC Steel Shape Database > HP Type > AISCHP 18X135

Assign Material as: A709_50W

OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > AISC Steel Shape Database > HP Type > AISCHSS8X4X.375

Assign Material as: A500_B


Select OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Basic Sections > Basic Shapes > Circle


Enter Radius as 18 in import section editor.


Click Import


Assign Material as Fc_4ksi

(If the material Fc_4ksi is already assigned by default, there is no need to assign it again)


Rename this section as Circle_exist_shaft_EB


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

  • Radius: 24

Rename this section as Circle_exist_shaft_Pier

Assign Material as Fc_4ksi


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

  • Radius: 18

Rename this section as Circle_exist_column

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

  • Radius: 24

Rename this section as Circle_prop_column

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 44

  • Depth: 40

Rename this section as Rectangle_exist_EBcap

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

Enter Witdh and Depth


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 38

  • Depth: 40

Rename this section as Rectangle_prop_EB1cap

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi

Image Removed


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 40

  • Depth: 40

Rename this section as Rectangle_prop_EB4cap

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi

Image Removed


Repeat the same steps from 6 to 10 for the other basic section.

Enter Witdh and Depth

  • Width: 54

  • Depth: 40

Rename this section as PierCap_prop

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi

Image Removed

  • Width: 48

  • Depth: 40

Rename this section as PierCap_exist

Assign Material as Fc_5_1/2ksi


Select OpenBrIM Bridge Objects > Barrier Sections > General > SingleSlopeRight

Enter Bottom & Top Witdh and Depth

  • Top Width: 10

  • Bottom Width: 18

  • Depth: 32

Rename this section as Exist_Barrier_sw

Assign Material as Fc_3_2ksi_NoStiffness


To access section editor click on the relevant cell in the "Name" column and select it from the combobox.


Click on the blue circular box that appears after clicking the section shape, and Click Points Spreadsheet from the combobox.

Copy the data below.

Code Block
0.0000	0.0000
-10.0000	32.0000
-12.5000	10.0000
-17.5000	3.0000
-17.5000	0.0000
0.7500	0.0000
0.7500	32.0000
0.0000	32.0000

Paste copied data.


Create a new section by defining its name as RigidSection


Copy and pastethe data below.

Code Block
RigidSec	RigidMat	18225.0000	18225.0000	18225.0000	31073.2290	27679218.7500	27679218.7500	0.0000	YES	NO	NO
