1 | In order to perform Code Checks on Precast I Girders, assign the appropriate Load Combination Tables. As I-girders are part of the superstructure of bridges, the Load Combination Tables defined for the superstructure in previous steps should be utilized. | |
2 | Navigate to Templates for Code Check and Load Rating > Prestressed I Girder Code Check | |
3 | It is sufficient to define one Load Combination Table for Prestressed I Girder code control. Enter the name in the Name column as PIGTemp | |
4 | Click three-dots icon on Load Case of Girder Weight Only and click select. To select the load type "DC1" which represents the dead load, navigate to the drop-down table and choose "DC1" from the list of available load types. | |
5 | Click three-dots icon on Load Combination Table and assing assign SuperstructureLCT. | |
6 | Maintain the values of all incoming parameters with their default values unchanged. | |
7 | Navigate to Section Propertiy Tab. | |
8 | Set parameters as in the figure. |