1 | In this section, you can specify the precast I girders you wish to analyze, along with their strength losses and the relevant code requirements you want to consider for this analysis. This information is essential for conducting code checks. | |
2 | Navigate Superstructure Code Checks > Prestressed I Girder Code Check | |
3 | Click three-dots icon on Girder and click select Set as G2 and G12 girders 2 Girders were selected from 2 different spans. | |
4 | Click three-dots iconon Code Check Template and assing assign PIGTemp both of them
| |
5 | Click three-dots icon on Detailed Calculation Position and click select. | |
6 | Assign data as follows
| |
7 | Keep "Number of Code Check Location" parameter constant as defult value. | |
8 | Navigate Loss Calculation Tab | |
9 | Enter parameter values as in the figure | |
10 | Navigate Shear Reinforcement tab. | |
11 | Click three-dots icon on Shear Reinforcement data for PIGCC1 (PIG2)and click select. | |
12 | In this section, we will establish the calculation for shear reinforcement compaction in a manner that is specific to each station. This will be done within the spreadsheet. | |
13 | Enter Shear Reinforcements Data for PIGCC1 as in the figure The Shear Reinforcement will be wound along the entire girder as in the figure. (PIG2) The most frequent wrapping will be perform 2 feet from the beginning and end along the girder. The loosest wrapping will be applied towards the center of the girders. | |
14 | The same wrapping method as described earlier will also be applied for "PIGCC2". | |
15 | Enter Shear Reinforcements Data for PIGCC2 (PIG12) as in the figure |