1 | At this stage, we will choose either the pier cap or the end bent for the code check. For this case, "PierCap1" will be selected. Here we will determine the start, middle and end regions as reference distances to analyze and evaluate the critical results. Also, "EndBent1" will be selected for checking only the code of the flexural calculation. | |
2 | Navigate to Substructure Code Checks > Pier Cap Code Check | |
3 | Click three-dots icon on Pier Cap Select as 3 times PierCap1 and PierCap2 once for code check. Enter names as in the figure. | |
4 | Assign “Code Check Templates” as in the follows
Also enter the relevant section data as follows
| |
5 | When you set the pier caps. "Check for" parameter to "Flexure Only" for the EndBent1 pier cap code check (PCCC2), it is observed that the values related to reinforcement return to N/A. This happens because when you select "Flexure Only," the code check focuses solely on the flexural (bending) capacity of the pier cap and ignores the reinforcement details. | |
6 | Enter the Reinforcement data for PierCap1 as in the figure | |
7 | For “PierCap1” we need to specify the distances at which the code check will be performed. Three different distance checks will be made. The code check for “EndBent1” will be done from its midpoint." |
Insert excerpt | ||||||||
1 | Navigate to Pier Cap Code Check under Superstructure Code Checks on the tree view. |
2 | Copy General from model inputs and paste into OpenBrIM. |
Tip |
The Pier Cap Code Check have been created. |
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Insert excerpt | ||||||||
Pier Cap Code Check | |||||
General | |||||