Info |
Please follow the instructions provided below to create Prestressed I Girder Code Check |
1 | In this section, you can specify the precast I girders you wish to analyze, along with their strength losses and the relevant code requirements you want to consider for this analysis. This information is essential for conducting code checks. | |
2 | Navigate Superstructure Code Checks > Prestressed I Girder Code Check | |
3 | Click three-dots icon on Girder and click select Set as G2 and G12 girders 2 Girders were selected from 2 different spans. | |
4 | Click three-dots iconon Code Check Template and assing PIGTemp both of them
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5 | Click three-dots icon on Detailed Calculation Position and click select. | |
6 | Assign data as follows
| |
7 | Keep "Number of Code Check Location" parameter constant as defult value. | |
8 | Navigate Loss Calculation Tab | |
9 | Enter parameter values as in the figure | |
10 | Navigate Shear Reinforcement tab. | |
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