Drawio sketch |
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diagramDisplayNamepageId | GirderConnection2239102977 |
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diagramDisplayName | GirderConnection |
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baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | GirderConnection |
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width | 1200 |
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height | 740.6700000000001 |
Additional Overhang Length Transverse Dir. [ft]: Set the cantilever extension of the continuity diaphragm. This distance is measured from the web of the girder.
Drawio sketch |
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diagramDisplayName | Diaphragm Dimensions | lbox | 1 |
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baseUrl | https://openbrim.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | Diaphragm Dimensions |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 1293 |
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tbstyle | |
height | 540 |