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LocationGirders: Skew Angle [deg]: Station [ft]: SectionTop Flange Width [in]: Top Flange Thickness [in]: Web Depth [in]: Web Thickness [in]: Bottom Flange Width [in]: Bottom Flange Thickness [in]: Top Flange Material: Web Material: Bottom Flange Materials: 3D DetailsTop offset from top of web [in]: Gap b/w Diaphragm and Stiffener [in]: FEA SettingFE Model: Rigid Section Top: Disable Bottom Rigid Line: Rigid Section Bot: StiffenersStiffeners thickness [in]: Stiffeners width [in]: Gusset Plategusset width [in]: gusset height [in]: number of bolt columns at gusset [in]: number of bolt rows at gusset [in]: bolt horizontal spacing at gusset [in]: bolt vertical spacing at gusset [in]: gusset plate thickness [in]: bolt diameter [in]: bolt to gusset plate edge distance [in]: Show Bolts (Detailing): Referencing ObjectsStructure States: GeometryTop offset from top of web [in]: Bottom offset from bottom of web [in]: |