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Girders: Choose the two girders that are connected by the cross frame.

Skew Angle [deg]:

Station [ft]: Enter the station along the PGL.


Top Chord Section - Bottom Chord Section - Diagonal Chord Section: Assign a section for the top/bottom/diagonal chord, which can be imported from the AISC database by the users. The finite element representation is in the form of a truss.

Gusset Plate

The parameters listed below are exclusively used for 3D representation and do not have any impact on design or finite element analysis at present.

top gusset width [in]:

top gusset height [in]:

top gusset offset [in]:

number of bolt columns at top gusset [in]:

number of bolt rows at top gusset [in]:

bolt horizontal spacing at top gusset [in]:

bolt vertical spacing at top gusset [in]:

bottom gusset width [in]:

bottom gusset height [in]:

bottom gusset offset [in]:

number of bolt columns at bottom gusset [in]:

number of bolt rows at bottom gusset [in]:

bolt horizontal spacing at bottom gusset [in]:

bolt vertical spacing at bottom gusset [in]:

center gusset plate width [in]:

center gusset plate height [in]:

gusset plate thickness [in]:

bolt diameter [in]:

bolt to gusset plate edge distance [in]:

web centerline to gusset plate edge distance [in]:

Show Bolts (Detailing):


The parameters listed below are exclusively used for 3D representation and do not have any impact on design or finite element analysis at present.

vertical stiffener thickness [in]:

vertical stiffener width [in]:

Image RemovedImage Added


These parameters are used for both computing the member end offset of cross frame truss elements in finite element analysis and 3D representation.

horz. chord offset from web [in]:

diag. chord offset from top [in]:

diag. chord offset from bottom [in]:

diag. chord offset from top chord [in]:

diag. chord offset from bot. chord [in]:

Top offset from top of web [in]:

Bottom offset from bot. of web [in]: